
Apr 2020

Dinner box

by 卓 坂牛

Because of the self-restraint request from the government, restaurants have a tough time keeping them without opening them. So I decided to buy the dishes they cooked to take out. We went out to check the restaurants in Kagurazaka to sell the dinner box, then found some looking nice.


by 卓 坂牛

We work in the competition which we are supposed to submit in the middle of May. But the sponsor has postponed the deadline already before the government declares to continue the state of the emergency. We are a bit frustrated with the uncertainty of the situation.

soap dispenser

by 卓 坂牛

I bought the automatic soap dispenser for the basement kitchen, where we bring anything we bought outside to clean up. We want to wash our hands here with the least touch as possible by this machine when we come home.


by 卓 坂牛



by 卓 坂牛



by 卓 坂牛




by 卓 坂牛



by 卓 坂牛


書く相手は 一般、物知り、専門家

形式は インフォーマル、普通、フォーマル

文章の領域は アカデミック、ビジネス、一般、技術的、カジュアル、創造的

調子は 普通、信頼、楽しい、楽観的、友好、救急、分析的、敬意を持って



by 卓 坂牛

Grammarly というアプリがありおそらくディープラーニングさせた知能に書いた英文を添削してもらうものである。例えば下記のように訂正してくれた。下線部が修正箇所である。


Recently at home my spouse and I made the rule about the cleaning up what we bought when we return home after shopping.  I saw the video on YouTube which showed the way of cleaning things at the hospital. I tried to apply that system to my home. Our house has 2 kitchen one of which is located on the basement and the other one of which is located on the second floor. We had to come down to the kitchen at the basement where the space is divided into the 2 parts, one of which is clean and the other one is not.  After coming down to the kitchen we clean up the kitchen plate with the hypochlorous acid water on both clean side and not-clean side.  Then we are supposed to take out all the stuffs and put them on the non-clean side first, then after cleaning up theme again with the hypochlorous acid water I take them and put them on the clean side.  We put all those cleaned stuffs into the clean bag then bring them up to the kitchen on the second floor where we eat the food.


Recently at home, my spouse and I made the rule about cleaning up what we bought when we return home after shopping.  I saw the video on YouTube, which showed the way of cleaning things at the hospital. I tried to apply that system to my home. Our house has two kitchens; one is located basement, the other one found on the second floor. We had to come down to the kitchen in the basement where we divided the space into the two parts, one of which is clean and the other one is not.  After coming down to the kitchen, we clean up the kitchen plate with the hypochlorous acid water on both the clean side and the not-clean side.  Then we are supposed to take out all the stuff and put them on the non-clean side first, then after cleaning them up again with the hypochlorous acid water, I take them and put them on the clean side.  We put all those cleaned pieces of stuff into the neat bag then bring them up to the kitchen on the second floor where we eat the food.


by 卓 坂牛

関口教会に散歩、道すがら、zigzag roomsを見る、構内を一回りしたら大きな声でご近所トークしている田中真紀子さんがいた。