
May 2020


by 卓 坂牛

This morning I went for a walk to Nikken Sekkei. I resigned Nikken before this headquarter bldg. was built, so I don’t have strong feeling to this Building. But I think it is well designed one. Although Office building is the main stream of this company, office needs will be changed after COVID-15. I as the editor-chief of JIA magazine would like to ask about it to many people not only in Japan but all over the world through questionnaires or interviews.


by 卓 坂牛


Buy a scale to continue this life for another month. I want to cut 65.


by 卓 坂牛

Shop and cook dinner before class at night. The spouse hopes the emergency (of my home)will continue forever. I don’t hate being able to satisfy my creative desires every day. The flatfish was 350 yen today, so I boiled it for the first time. Eggplant and spinach stick to the sauce、which I elaborated.


by 卓 坂牛


Classes started in earnest after the holidays. In the morning, I gave a lecture at Japan Women’s University, and in the evening, I had a design studiio at a graduate school of TUS. The teacher is Mr. Kaneda of the structure and Mr. Torao of the architect. Making a full-scale model every year is the real pleasure of this studio, so I want to do it at university in June.


by 卓 坂牛


I read Shinya Fujiwara’s new book “A Drop of Days” until my evening class. When I read Fujiwara’s writings, which always look at “death” in our daily lives, I feel that death is something familiar.


by 卓 坂牛

I completed the first lecture, ” Architectural Design Ability” at the graduate school of Japan Women’s University. Since there are only 10 participants, it is more intimate than a seminar in Rikadai. The chat is convenient, and you can hear everyone’s opinion at the same time as this number of people. Anyway, I was relieved that we were all able to attend the first time, and the wifi environment was okay.


by 卓 坂牛


Naruse memorial auditorium

by 卓 坂牛

Since today there is a class in Japan Women’s University, I took a walk in the morning there. Of course, classes are done in zoom. Naruse Memorial Auditorium is a Gothic style built in 1907. Since the outer wall bricks fell off due to the Great Kanto Earthquake, it was replaced by wooden board.

Corona influences

by 卓 坂牛

I decided to ask the world about Corona’s impact on architecture. Because It takes some time to translate after transcribing in the case of foreign architects, so I will interview basically Japanese young architects working abroad. I will interview a total of seven architects in Singapore, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, Guatemala, and Chile x 2 with questionnaires. It takes a while to adjust the time difference when there are so many directions.

拝 啓

日本では5 月 4 日に緊急事態宣言の延長が言われ、ここ数週間はさらなる自粛が求められることになりました。 現在私たちの周りの環境は COVID-19 の影響を最小限に食いとめるべく対策が講じられております。それは医学的な 見地と経済的な見地とのバランスの上に考えられていると思います。私たち建築設計の業界は幸いにして他業種と比 較して直接的な経済的打撃を受けにくく、医学的な見地を優先し、かなりの仕事をテレワークで行っているものと思 います。これは現在最も大きな経済的ダメージを受けている飲食業などとは異なるものです。しかし一方で、現場監理を含めて対面して行わないと誤解や間違いを生みだす仕事もあり、経済的見地より、最小限の出勤も止むを得ない ものとなっているでしょう。 またこの方法は国によって大きな差があり、感染者が少なく、混雑した通勤の必要もない場所ではすでに出勤し て仕事をしている方もいるでしょう。
COVID-19 の影響は数年続く可能性もあり、JIA としても皆様の知恵を集めて業界の存続の後押しをしたく思います。 そのために皆様の現状、お困りのこと、設計に与える影響などについてお教えいただければ幸いに存じます。 皆様のご回答を『JIA MAGAZINE』(6 月 15 日発行、376 号を予定)でご報告させていただき、会員のこれからの 働き方の一助となることを願うものです。何卒ご協力のほど、よろしくお願いいたします。

2020 年 5 月 8 日
敬 具 『JIA MAGAZINE』編集長 坂牛 卓
COVID-19 の影響についてのアンケート
皆様に以下のような質問をさせていただきます。可能な範囲でお答えいただければ幸いです。 回答は回答欄のアルファベットを右の _____________ にお答えください。
1. 現在の御社の仕事のテレワークの比率を教えてください。 a. 1割〜3割 b. 3割〜6割 c. 6割〜9割 d. 9割〜10割
2. テレワークでは行わない仕事の種類はどのようなものでしょうか。(複数回答可) a. 経営会議 b. 施主プレゼン c. 現場監理 d. 重要な設計打合せ
3. 2. で e. その他とお答えの方、それはどのような仕事ですか。
4. テレワークはどのソフトをお使いですか。(複数回答可)
a. Zoom b. Temas c. Skype d. LINE e. その他
5. テレワークにおける問題点はどのようなものですか。(複数回答可) a. 図面を見ながらの細かな打合せができない
b. 模型を使った打合せがスムーズにできない
c. 素材などの決定は画像では難しい
d. 重要な意思決定をするのにその場の空気感がつかめない
回 答 _____________________
e. その他 _____________________
6. 設計事務所を運営する上で、現在の状況が長期化した時の懸念事項は何でしょうか。 _____________________ a. 受注や売上が減少し、経営を継続していくことが困難になること。
b. 決算が赤字となることで設計コンペ(プロポーザル)に参加できなくなること。
c. メーカーの協力が得られなくなり、図面作成、積算業務が遅延し、設計スケジュールが遵守できなくなること。 d. 許認可における事前打合せやその審査機関が長期化し、設計や竣工スケジュールが遵守できなくなること。
e. 上記のスケジュール遅延が設計事務所起因とされ、違約金の支払いを求められること。
f. テレワーク中心でほとんどの設計業務を行うことは、我々にとってはじめての経験であり、設計品質が落ちる
こと。 g. その他
7. 今後 COVID-19 の影響が建築環境や都市環境の設計に変化をもたらすと思いますか。 _____________________
a. はい b. いいえ c. まだよくわからない
8. 7, で a. はいと答えた方にお聞きします。その影響は下記のどのようなことだと思いますか。(複数回答可) _________________________________
a. 新しい生活の仕方に合わせて、ゆとりのある空間設計をするようになる
b. 外出ができないことを考えて居住施設には大きなテラスを設計するようになる
c. 換気能力や窓の大きさを法規定以上に設計する
d. 歩道を含め外部空間にゆとりのある設計をする
e. その他
9. 8. で e. その他と答えた方、それはどのようなことでしょうか。

10. COVID-19 の影響は地震などと同様に 1 つの自然が巻き起こす災害ですがこのような災害に対して建築家が行え ることがあるとすれば、どのようなことでしょうか? お答えください。

なお、回答については『JIA MAGAZINE』で紹介したく思いますが、
a. 記名で掲載してもよい b. 無記名なら掲載してもよい
a. の場合 ご氏名 所 属

ご回答いただいた日 月 日
ご回答ありがとうございました。 (ご多忙中のところ恐縮ですが、アンケートは 5 月 20 日までにお願いいたします)

Dear Sir,
In Japan The extension of the declaration of a state of emergency was said on May 4, in Japan. And further self-restraint has been called for in the last few weeks. Currently, measures are being taken to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the environment around us. I think it’s a balancing act between a medical perspective and an economic perspective. Fortunately for us in the architectural design industry, we are less exposed to direct economic impact than other industries, and I think we do a lot of our work from a medical perspective by telecommuting. This is not the same as the food and beverage industry, which is currently suffering the greatest economic damage. However, on the other hand, there are some jobs that, if not performed face-to-face, including site supervision, can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes, and it is unavoidable that minimal attendance is required from an economic standpoint. This method also varies greatly from region to region, and some people may already show up for work in places where there are few infected people and no need for a crowded commute.
The impact of COVID-19 may last for several years, and the JIA would like to gather your wisdom to support the survival of the industry. For this reason, we would be very happy if you could tell us about your current situation, your problems, and the impact on your design. We will report your responses in the July 15 issue of JIA Magazine (scheduled to be published in July 15, 377), and hope that they will help our members in their work style in the future. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

May 8, 2020.
Sincerely yours, Taku Sakaushi, Editor-in-Chief of JIA Magazine

Questionnaire on the impact of COVID-19
I would like to ask you the following questions We would appreciate it if you could answer to the extent possible. Please answer the alphabet.

1. what is the ratio of telecommuting to work at your company at present?
a. 10% to 30% b. 30% to 60% c. 60% to 90% d. 90% to 100%

2. what types of work are not done in telecommuting? (Multiple answers possible)
a. Management meetings b. Client presentations c. Site supervision d. Important design meetings e.other

3. in 2. If you answered e. other, what kind of job is it?

4. What software do you use for telework? (Multiple answers allowed)
a. Zoom b. Temas c. Skype d. LINE e. Others

5. What are some of the problems with telecommuting? (Multiple answers possible)
a. I can’t have a detailed meeting while looking at the drawing.
b. The meeting using the model cannot go smoothly.
c. Decisions on materials, etc., are difficult to make with images.
d. unable to grasp the atmosphere of the place to make an important decision
e. Other

6. what are the concerns of running a design firm when the current situation becomes prolonged?
a. A decrease in orders or sales that makes it difficult for the company to continue to operate.
b. Not being able to participate in the design competition (proposal) due to a deficit in the accounts.
c. The manufacturer’s cooperation will no longer be available, delaying the preparation of drawings and costing operations, and the design schedule will not be adhered to.
d. Prolonged pre-permit meetings and their reviewing bodies, resulting in the inability to comply with design and completion schedules.
e. That the above schedule delays be attributed to the design firm and required to pay a penalty.
f. Doing most design work with a telecommuting focus is a new experience for us, and design quality falling.
g. Others

7. Do you think that the impact of COVID-19 will bring about changes in the design of the built environment and urban environment in the future?
a. Yes, b. No c. I’m not sure yet

8. Ask those who answered a. Yes. Which of the following do you think is the impact of this? (Multiple answers are acceptable)
a. To design a roomy space to fit the new way of living
b. Large terraces are designed for residential facilities to take into account the inability to go out
c. Design ventilation capacity and window sizes above legal requirements
d. Design for ample external space, including sidewalks
e. Other

9. If you answered e. Other, what is it?

10. the impact of COVID-19 is a natural disaster like an earthquake, but what, if anything, can an architect do in response to such a disaster? Please answer this question.

Date and time of your response
Thank you very much for your reply.

(We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but please complete the questionnaire by May 20.)


by 卓 坂牛
