In April, the mail I sent to Mr. Tane in Paris came back to me after a three-month round trip. She must have moved out of the atelier after sending it. A sticker saying “address not found” was affixed to it. At that time, Europe had no airmail, only seamail. South America was closed, and North America had air mail, but it took two months to reach. This shipping service may be quite quick considering that. It came back in pretty good shape.
理科大学は後期の遠隔授業を決めた。 異議はない。一方、昨日翻訳ズームで話をしたメンバー曰く、A郡が教えている静岡の大学は対面が原則。東京と地方の違いかと思う。しかし、東京でもIICUは原則対面、遠隔での出席も可とすると言う。東大の文学部は、3密を避けて、すべてが対面できる教室がないため、リモートを推奨している。芸大では実技指導を受けられない学生が授業料の返金を求めているらしい。後期は芸大で教えるが、対面だろうか?それならもっと広い部屋を用意して欲しい。
Tokyo University of Science decided to have a distance learning class in the latter semester. I have no objection. On the other hand, the university in Shizuoka taught by Mr. A, who I spoke about with translation zoom yesterday, is said to be a face-to-face principle. I think it’s the difference between Tokyo and rural areas. However, even in Tokyo, ICU also the same policy but can be attended remotely as a general rule. The Faculty of Letters of the University of Tokyo recommends remote because there are no classrooms where all can be faced together, avoiding the 3 density. It seems that a student who cannot receive practical instruction is requesting a refund of tuition at the Tokyo University of Fine Arts. I will teach there in the latter half, but will it be face-to-face? Then I would like you to prepare a larger room.

福島さん、富永さんからお二人で作られた本;HOLZ BAU(木の建築)を頂いた。お二人のドイツでのリサーチをまとめたもので、彼らの木の建築の背景が伝わってきた。期せずして今工事している僕らの建物が初めてのholz bauである。
しかしドイツのholz bauを見ながら思うのは木が壁構造的に使われているので空間が薄暗い、それがなんともいい。
Mr. Fukushima and Ms. Tominaga gave me a copy of their book, Holz BAU (Architecture of Wood). The book is a compilation of their research in Germany, and it gave us a background of their wooden architecture. Our building under construction is unexpectedly our first holz bau.
By the way, looking at the German holz bau, I was struck by the wall structure’s dimness made of wood.
University students and teachers are collaborators, and we want to have as equal a relationship as possible. However, since National University became an independent administrative agency, strange things happened and students became important customers. The teacher became a hospitality person in terms of life, and became an self-important person in the academic side of the school. I think both are wrong.
A student is an adult who has the right to vote in the second year.. Though there is a difference in knowledge, creativity is equal to or higher than that of teachers. It is said that Japanese youth are childish because they are treated like children in both their life and academic fields. I think the cause is not in them but in the government .
The problem is exacerbated by the mechanism of paying high tuition and buying university life and education in return. I think that the university should have a clear place as a place to study and study with knowledgeable advisers and to establish their own student life by autonomy of the students, with a minimum tuition fee. It is unlikely that student autonomy would cause the turmoil of half a century ago.
Online classes continue in the second half. There will be debate over how to control student behavior, but for these reasons I don’t want to treat them as children. Instead, I want you to behave like a mature adult.
While reading Mr. Miura’s book, I was more interested in the theory of generation, which is the basis of his claim, than his claim. I feel that the theory of generation is more meaningful than blood type. So, when I searched where I am.I am the beginning of the “new generation” or “bubble generation” Tsukamoto-san and Nishizawa-san are the center of that. “baby boom generation” and they are 15 years above us, Riken Yamamoto and Ito-san, Sakamoto-san, and Hasegawa-san come in front of us. It seems that the 15-above that generation is “Showa single digit generation”, Hayashi-san, Shinohar-san and Takahash-san are there. By the way, if you look at the younger ones, there are Fujimur-san and Nagayam—san in my lower area, and there are “baby boom junior” or “Ice age generation”, and 15 younger ones are my students, Omura and others. It is said that this is the “new human race junior” or “Heisei generation.” It seems that this generation thinks that there is no better tomorrow than today, but it doesn’t seem that way.

Perhaps because of the potential desire to go abroad, a party at the house of Pamela, a student in Paraguay, came to my dream and woke up. When I looked at FB of Pamela, my travel photos of Santiago, Paraguay last year were shared. One of them caught my eye at a picture of Smirhan’s theater. I started drawing with a round tent roof and could use it. I searched for a circle of 30 meters and arrived at Le Cruse. That is why.

I’ve not used cad for a long time. I’m writing by hand again. There is nothing to write a circle. If I go to the office I have something but I want to draw when I wake up in the morning Sketch with scale. There is no 1/300 30m circle on the desk. I searched around the kitchen and found it. Le Creuset small pot lid.Yes

The office renovation currently under estimation has a two-story with triangular void. So, to make the space triangular, I thought of a triangular desk and chair and made the original size with cardboard. It seems to be usable.
I got a cold coffee from a famous coffee shop in Kofu. The taste of the package and the taste are proportional (often) .delicious.

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