
Jul 2020

White walls

by 卓 坂牛



Although the translation will be drafted in August, it will be lined up in stores in February or March. I want to make it a new graduate school textbook that replaces words and buildings.

As a device to keep the list price down, we are thinking of making it possible to read the 150,000-character note using the QR code, but the QR code will not exist forever. If so, where should it be stored and how should that access be guaranteed? Please tell someone.


by 卓 坂牛



Go to キャンペーン

by 卓 坂牛

翻訳をいっしょにやっている同級生の設計したホテルが9月に大手町にできるそうだ。それなら「go to キャンペーンを使って泊まりに行こう」と言ったらgo to キャンペーンの上限は2万だそうで、このホテルは一泊10万だとか、、、、まあ9月までこのキャンペーンが続くわけもないだろうから所詮考えるだけむだだろうが。



by 卓 坂牛


I was translating today, so I left dinner to my spouse. The Spanish Tempranillo wine I recently discovered is a bit fruity and I like it.


by 卓 坂牛


Riken Yamamoto’s favorite book Hannah Arendt’s “Human Condition” Is the third. He left the first book on the plane, and the second one was worn out. And the third volume is already tattered. Mr. Yamamoto has constructed the idea of ​​Arendt by fleshing out his own. There is no blur there. Moreover, what I think is the most amazing thing is that, at first glance, it seems that he considered architecture as a product of society , but it is the opposite, and there is a strong belief that society is created by architecture. This is Mr. Yamamoto’s charm that resonates with recent realism. Don’t misunderstand him.

by 卓 坂牛


Riken Yamamoto’s favorite book Hannah Arendt’s “Human Condition” Is the third. He left the first book on the plane, and the second one was worn out. And the third volume is already tattered. Mr. Yamamoto has constructed the idea of ​​Arendt by fleshing out his own. There is no blur there. Moreover, what I think is the most amazing thing is that, at first glance, it seems that he architecture is Riken Yamamoto’s favorite book Hannah Arendt’s “Human Condition” is the third. I forgot the first book on the plane, and the second one was worn out. And the third volume is already tattered. Mr. Yamamoto has constructed the idea of ​​Arendt by fleshing out his own. There is no blur there. Moreover, what I think is the most amazing thing is that, at first glance, it seems that he considered architecture as a product of society , but it is the opposite, and there is a strong belief that society is created by architecture. This is Mr. Yamamoto’s charm that resonates with recent realism. Don’t get me wrong.considered as a constructive structure, but it is the opposite, and there is a strong belief that society is created by architecture. This is Mr. Yamamoto’s charm that resonates with recent realism. Don’t misunderstand him.


by 卓 坂牛


In preparation for next week’s interview, I read some books by Rien Yamamoto today. Then I went to the web site of Nagoya Zokei University. I attended all 11 of his video lectures on the website, skipping through them. The Theory of Housing (1993), which was first published almost thirty years ago, has the origins of his works. I could well understand that there is the development of his principle in his book titled Power in the Space and Space of Power (2015). Between those times, Mr. Yamamoto has been studying Hannah Arendt thoroughly. It was also clear to me after listening to President Yamamoto’s eleven lectures, and he has studied it well. My hat was off to him. I became very excited for next week’s interview—Education, Ideology, and Internationalism. I’m going to focus on these three.



by 卓 坂牛






by 卓 坂牛




A friend of a university hospital is murmuring at FB.

Today’s information in the hospital:
It’s better to expect a second wave beyond Europe in October 😔 Where we are is quite dangerous 😱.

It seems. As expected, the zoom teaching is inevitable in the second half. You should think that you cannot do the common test for university entrance examinations. Instead of relying on the Ministry of Education, I think we should naturally consider online testing.


by 卓 坂牛


In the redevelopment in front of Yotsuya station, the north half of the site is a green area. Not only the ground but also the surrounding outer walls are green. Is it north side, but does it grow well?