
Aug 2020


by 卓 坂牛

I sometimes receive a royalty payment statement when I’ve forgotten; then, it never says for which book the royalty is. Kashima has published five books pf me, so I’m curious to see which ones are selling well. The fact that I receive a fee means they have reprinted the book. But I’ve never heard of that either.印税


by 卓 坂牛


A memorial photo of Sakaushi Tetsuro at the age of 95. It’s a good picture.


by 卓 坂牛

ウィグリーの『白い壁』翻訳は佳境である。最終テイクではワイゼンホーフジートルンクがモダニズム白い壁を決定的にしたと説明される。一方でワイゼンホーフのインテリアは多色のオンパレードでル・コルビュジエ、タウト、アウト、がすごい色使いをしていた。そんなワイゼンホーフ・ジードルンクを包括的に説明する本を読んでみたくKarin Kirschの本を取り寄せた。残念ながら写真は全て白黒なので視覚的に色はわからないのだが、文章中には色の説明がこと細かにされている。

Wigley’s translation of White Walls is at a climax. In the final take, He describes Weissenhofsiedlung as the definitive modernist white wall. On the other hand, The interiors of the Weisenhofsielung was a multi-colored parade, with Le Corbusier, Taut, and Out using an incredible color palette. I ordered a book by Karin Kirsch to read a full description of the Weissenhofsiedlung, which I would like to read. Unfortunately, the photos are all black and white, so you can’t see the colors visually, but the text explains the colors in great detail.


by 卓 坂牛


When I turned on TV last night, my classmate Naoto Inaba talked with Shiori Kanichiya about the charm of Nikko Kanaya Hotel. I am proud of my classmate.




by 卓 坂牛


The other day, I saw  the shells of four domestic turtles washed in front of the house which is two doors away from my house.. It seems that the green turtle that they bought at Akagi Shrine’s fair grew to about 20 cm. A few days later, I find out that one of the turtles has run away


by 卓 坂牛

小野原教子は服を着るとは「人を着るということ」であり、それは 煩悩を着ることであり情報や制度を着ることだという。服を建築を代えてもそのまま通用する。家に住むとは人に住むことであり、煩悩に住むことであり、情報や制度に住むことである。ファッションデザイナーも建築家も情報や制度の翻訳家である。自ら翻訳もする身としては翻訳は立派な創作だと思っているのでこれは自らを卑下する言い方ではない。しかし同時に建築もファッションも煩悩から抜け出れない宿命にある。もちろん煩悩のない世界などないと言ってしまえばそうなのだが。

Kyoko Onohara says that to put on clothes is to “put on people,” which means to put on vexations, information, and systems. You can substitute clothing for architecture, and it will still work. To live in a house is to live in people, live in one’s vexation, and live in information and institutions. Both fashion designers and architects are translators of data and systems. As a translator myself, I consider translation to be an excellent form of creation, and I do not mean this in a self-deprecating way. At the same time, however, both architecture and fashion are doomed to be stuck in their vexations. Of course, it would be right to say that there is no world without vexations.


by 卓 坂牛


There is a strange thing in the underground kitchen. There is about 15 cm. It looks like a huge slug. But it doesn’t move. I wonder what?