
Sep 2020


by 卓 坂牛


The dexterity of the design was denied at Shinohara Lab. It is according to the teachings of the laboratory that Toyo Ito described Kazunari Sakamoto as killing skill and making architecture with reason. Kazuo Shinohara’s sketch is therefore far from the so-called brilliantarchitect’s sketch. You can describe it as clumsy. However, Sakamoto says that at one point, this sketch becomes an architecture, which is surprising and feels like “Oh, it’s done.”



坂本 久野 インタビュー

by 卓 坂牛


Finally realized, interview with Sakamoto. I heard from a house in Sanada. I thought I’d just ask about a huge project in China, but I wanted to hear the thoughts that lead from a 100m2 house to a millionm2. Then it took three and a half hours. Thank you very much.


by 卓 坂牛


I disagree fundamentalism of not only religion but also broader ones. However, in my book, it says that architects have a principle idea. This sounds like a contradiction. Was told by a friend. No, but not. In the final chapter, I wrote that when the building is completed, reconsider the principle idea. Since fundamentalists do not reconsider, they are fundamentalists, but the principle I proposed change.


by 卓 坂牛


The editor told me that he wants to have more sketches on the monograph, and I arranged the sketchbooks for each project. There is a student in the laboratory who is investigating the meaning of the coloring of Zunto’s sketches, so I thought about the meaning of the color of my sketch. 1) If I want to use that color, 2) If I  want to make a difference in space, 3) If I want to emphasize something, 4) If I want to express glass, water, or wood. Well, there is no deep meaning. However, Zumthor seems to have the meaning that the color identifies the material from the early sketches.


Elle decor

by 卓 坂牛

現在発売中のElle Decor Japanに拙宅が丁寧に解説されています。

My house is carefully explained in Elle Decor Japan, which is currently on sale.


by 卓 坂牛

ラトゥールが教えてくれた英語の教科書Strunk White のElements of style にはuse the active voice 能動態を使おうと言う章があるが、その理由は能動態の方がよりdirectでvigorous直接的で活発だからとある。と言うわけで、あえてperfunctoryやる気のなさをだしたければ受け身を使ってもいいし、強調したい語が目的語なら受動態にせよと書いてあった。

The Elements of style 、English textbook by Strunk White taught by Latour My friend has a chapter named use the active voice, because the active voice is more direct and vigorous. Therefore if you dare to show perfunctory unmotivation, you can use passive, and if the word you want to emphasize is the object, make it passive.