
Sep 2020


by 卓 坂牛

The next book is my monograph, and one year later than planned, the layout of the designer finally started. This series of monographs called TCcuadernos recently Mateus came out. It is an honor to have me lined up there. Isn’t it possible to enter text in Japanese this morning? I received an email. This publisher is originally Valencia, so it is completely bilingual, but I have never seen a trilingual book. But if you sell it in Japan, that might be good.


by 卓 坂牛
年末のzoom 国際ワークショップのテーマを講師のディエゴと相談中。今朝MOOCを作ろうと言ってきた。MOOCとはMassive Open Online Courseの略で要は通信大学講座である。彼はこれをこの秋のハーバードの遠隔授業でやる予定。
I’m discussing the theme of the zoom international workshop with Diego, the lecturer. This morning he suggested that we make a MOOC, which stands for Massive Open Online Course, basically a distance learning course. He is planning to do it as a distance learning course at Harvard this fall.
He wants TUS students to make a video game about Kazunari Sakamoto’s house. This is interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of results I get from the same assignment at Harvard and TUS.

Bullshit jobs

by 卓 坂牛



by 卓 坂牛



by 卓 坂牛

今度作る本に富士吉田の経験(Fuji yoshida experience)という章がある。そこに富士吉田の仲間であるTさんに文章を書いて欲しく、寄稿を依頼したらものの2日間で1000字の原稿が送られてきた。梅ヶ丘のカフェでコーヒーを飲みながらIPHONEの画面に映る彼のメッセージを読んだ「・・日本の風景が画一化したと言われて久しい・・私が暮らす富士吉田市でも状況は同じであり、きつ然とそびえたつ富士山を前に忸怩たる思いでいる・・・その地方都市の中で、坂牛氏と坂牛研究室による建築は心を震わせてくれる・・・坂牛氏と坂牛研究室との出会いは、古びた製氷工場のリノベーションだった・・・無価値とされていた場所で市長主催によるコンペティションが行われ・・・多くの建築家の提案の中で最も瑞々しく感じた・・・町の工務店として坂牛研究室のスタッフ、学生と仕事をすることが多い。彼らは常に実直であり、探求することをやめない・・・彼らのデザインは表面的ではなく、そこに集う人と暮らしまでデザインする・・・東京の事務所で会う坂牛氏と、小さな田舎町の空き家で会う彼は何も変わらない。いつも陽気で、挑戦的である。常に冷静だが、情熱があふれている。稀有な風景を生み出す富士山に見合う街並みをつくりたい・・・郷土を愛する一市民として、念願である。坂牛氏と坂牛研究室、OFDAと共にその仕事ができることは唯一の希望である」「おいおい、マジかよ」と思いつつ目頭が熱くなった。今日、OFDAの社長である配偶者にそのペーパーを見せたら真っ赤な顔をして泣いていた。


In my upcoming book, there is a chapter titled “Fuji Yoshida Experience”. I asked my colleague Mr. T to write an article for the book, then within two days, I received a 1,000 word manuscript. I read his message on the screen of my IPHONE while sipping coffee at a cafe in Umegaoka, ‘It has been a long time since it was said that Japan’s landscape has become uniform… The situation is the same in the city of Fujiyoshida, where I live, and I feel awkward in front of the towering Mount Fuji. The architecture by the laboratory can make one’s heart tremble… The first encounter between Mr. Sakaushi and the Sakaushi laboratory was the renovation of an old ice factory… A competition sponsored by the mayor was held at a place that had been regarded as worthless… I felt it was the most fresh among many architects’ proposals… As a construction company in the town, I often work with students of the Sakaushi laboratory, who are always honest and never stop exploring… Their designs are not superficial, they design the people and the lives that gather there… Mr Sakaushi I meet in his office in Tokyo is no different from the person I meet in an empty house in a small rural town. He is always cheerful and challenging. He is always calm, but full of passion. Fuji, which produces a rare landscape… It is my wish, as a citizen who loves my hometown, to create a town worthy of Mt. Fuji. It is my only hope to be able to work with Mr. Sakaushi, the Sakaushi lab. and OFDA to do so.” “Oh, come on,” I thought to myself, my eyes burning with excitement. Today, I showed the paper to my spouse, who is the president of OFDA, and she cried with a red face.

So, OFDA opened a branch in Fujiyoshida. It was registered today.


by 卓 坂牛


I think it’s the first time I’ve ever been talking to a person for 5 hours without drinking. Moreover, it is in the middle of corona. I didn’t get used to it, so I was tired and had no willingness to talk to my spouse when I got home. Although I lost all my energy Kazunari Sakamoto of 77 kept talking about his own work. I can not match this power very much.


by 卓 坂牛


I got in touch with Mr. Sakamoto’s atelier. I was surprised at how much work he has done because I haven’t seen it for a long time. I heard about them for 5 hours. And I decided to have an interview. The theme is scale and hierarchy. From 100 m2 to 1 million m2.


by 卓 坂牛


This month’s issue of JIA Magazine, “When Architecture is Born,” looks uncharacteristically architectonic. It is a copy of the cover of Lévi-Strauss’s “Structural Anthropology” and Hannah Arendt’s “The Human Condition,” along with copies of the essential pages. These two books gave birth to Yamamoto’s gourd-shaped scheme for the concept of the community within a community, which is the starting point of his architecture, and it was these two books that led to its development. I had seen Arendt’s book in a video of Mr. Yamamoto’s Nagoya Zokei University class. Amid the corona crisis, Mr. Yamamoto was explaining the ideas of Hannah Arendt powerfully. It was a very moving moment.


by 卓 坂牛


I noticed that I had forgotten to change my address in several official documents, more than a year after I moved. Mysteriously passport and insurance card are the end if you double-line the old address and write the new address yourself. I have to go to the police station for the driver’s license, but it is strange that the evidence of the new address can be the insurance card that I rewrote. With this, you can live anywhere.