
Dec 2020


by 卓 坂牛


The window line heater arrived. It expands and contracts according to the window width. Since it is 120W, the electricity bill is not a big deal.





by 卓 坂牛

At the end of the monograph are OFDA architects. That five people from art school doesn’t show my preference but shows the atmosphere of this place.



by 卓 坂牛



The unusual workshop on interviewing the world famous architectural critic Thomas Daniel of Kyoto University ended successfully. Thomas is, as expected, a severe Anglo-Saxon. This photo shows the difference between him and Latin Diego.
This workshop is probably the 10th. Topics were Bicycles, slums, festivals, secret places, slums, sanctuaries, peripheries, enrichment devices, interviews. None of those Japanese would propose.


by 卓 坂牛
The class was a student-led discussion, and the WS was Diego’s final check of the interview PowerPoint for tomorrow. I’m listening to both sides in the right ear on Japanese, left ear on English, occasionally stoping to mute my voice to comment.


by 卓 坂牛


I use the sweep-out window as the dining window. Because It’s big, I feel cold  this season. So I decided to put the line heater between the blinds and the glass. In the old days, I designed the window frame with four-sided veneer to hide the sash frame, but from a certain time since the lower part seems to be  difficult to clean, so I changed it to a window sill. However, if you want to put in a heater, it is better to make a frame.l as before.


by 卓 坂牛


The day before yesterday, Chilean architect Diego Glas began an unprecedented international workshop on Zoom. The topic is an interview with Thomas Daniel, a professor at Kyoto University and one of the few foreign architects who can speak about Japanese architecture. The daily task is to create questions. Thomas has been interviewing many Japanese architects and translating their books. It is exciting to me that he continues to interview and translate, which I do as well.


by 卓 坂牛

細矢仁さんが空の上から20年以上前に設計した風の塔の写真を送ってくれました。写真が素晴らしい。これならモノグラフに入れれば良かったけれどit’s too late.

Jin Hosoya sent me a photo of the wind tower that I designed over 20 years ago from the sky. The photos are amazing.Then he sent a photo taken another day.  I should have put it in a monograph in this case, but it ’s too late.


by 卓 坂牛


There are three types of dissertations written in architecture. The most common one is written at a Japanese science and technology university and quantitatively analysis of the object. The second is a qualitative analysis of the subject based on literature hunting and interviews, which is done in history and aesthetics. By the way, my theory is also categorized here. The third is a proposal type, which is like Gari’s the other day. Judging from the experience of judging all three, the results produced by each are unique. Quantitative analysis is objective but number-playing. Qualitative analysis is persuasive but arbitrary. The proposal type is architectural, but it must be based on the future, and it cannot be easily agreed.