
Jan 2021


by 卓 坂牛
  • 東北大でプレディプロマを見て欲しいと頼まれた。しばし考えたがやることにした。4回だけと言うこともあるが別の理由もある。いままで10くらいの大学で非常勤で教えてきたが、もっとも勉強し、こちらを圧倒してきたのは東大美学の連中だった。その中に東北大で建築学んでいた若宮という男いた。優秀ではちゃめちゃな男だった。彼とは未だに交信している。彼のような男にまた会えるかもしれないという期待がある。.

I was asked to teach students of the prediploma course at Tohoku University. I thought about it for a while, but decided to do it. There is a reason for that. I have taught part-time at about 10 universities, but the ones who studied the most and overwhelmed me were the ones at University of Tokyo aesthetics. Among them was a man named Wakamiya who was studying architecture at Tohoku University. He was an excellent and messed up man. I’m still communicating with him. There is hope that I may meet a man like him again. ..


by 卓 坂牛


This year too, there will be several opportunities to interact with students other than the Tokyo University of Science. Tohoku University, Japan Women’s University, Sophia University, Geidai, Czech Liberec University. Looking at various students, we can see the good and bad of our students. The University of Tokyo, Meiji, Tokai University, Toyo University, Shinshu University, Waseda University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Hokkaido University, which I have taught so far, also had their own individuality. I think the difference is probably due to the location of the university, the geography, the individuality of the teachers, and the spirit of the students transmitted by the seniors. It’s very important.

by 卓 坂牛


Prime Minister Suga reads the paper at a press conference. It is no longer the limit of his ability.  He also reads the paper to reporter’s question.  This means that the question has been asked in advance and the moderator is pointing to the company. I don’t want to see the farce anymore.


by 卓 坂牛


It took 18 months for the Spanish flu to land in Japan and end. If Corona is similar to that I hopefully think that it will end at the end of the year.I would like to hold WS face-to-face the end of this year.


by 卓 坂牛
Mr. Nakawake, a senior member of Nikken, sent us a book about the land. One co-author was Mr. Kenjiro Omura, who taught city planning at Tokyo University of Science until this year. When I read his essay, I found a case of an unresolved dispute between ownership and traffic rights of a Nikoh road. My house is located at the end of that road. If I am deprived of traffic rights, my survival is at risk.


by 卓 坂牛

My spouse proposed playing a game, and a board game was sent yesterday . It’s name is renature just like that of graduation thesis. A body camp game where you set animals and plant vegetation in a polluted valley to restore nature. We tried last night, but we couldn’t understand the rules and stopped.


by 卓 坂牛


FB tells us what happened today 6 years ago. I invited architects from Spain and Argentina to hold symposiums and exhibitions in Cervantes. Focusing on that theme, it is “architecture, nature, and society.” Every word is included in the architectural keyword collection that I am trying to make at AIJ conference.