In the August issue of Architectural Technology, I wrote a book review of Mr. Kinbako’s recent book, “Structural Design thinking from the Details.”

Redevelopment near the office The open space in Comore Yotsuya is unusually usable.

In the fourth year of design studio, Mr. Yata :conversion Mr. Takagi :living in two bases, and Mr. Matsui; AI-themed task in 2060.

In the old days, it were commutation ticket and wallet you have to carry with you when you go out. Now Suica, wallet, iPhone, pc and this. Have we become convenient or inconvenient?

As someone who has lived in Arakicho, Akasaka, and Kagurazaka, I was curious about the hanamachi in the rest of the city. And I was tossed about by the sheer volume. Where people gather, there is a Hanamachi. They limited the area by the red line, outlawed or even taken the initiative to create one for American soldiers, and it never went away.

Occasionally there is a sealed letter on my sneakers saying that I should drop it into mailbox when I go to the gym.

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