Wen Wu said that if you had the money to buy mineral water, use oil. Since then, in addition to olive oil, salad oil, and sesame oil, white sesame oil (without the scent of sesame), peanut oil for stir-fried eggplant, and onion oil for kinilla. Oil is also a spice.
大川家具のHiromatsu furnitureという名前のお店がla Kaguに出店している。だいぶ前からこの座椅子が身体にフィットするので気に入っていた。拙宅のカーペットの床にしっくりきそうである。A store named Hiromatsu furniture of Okawa Furniture has opened in la Kagu. I’ve liked this chair for a long time because it fits my body. It looks good on my carpet floor.
Thought of massive holts using the pine trees on the site of the hut in Fujimi, but if I use them for the walls and the roof, the dry and sawn cost will be 8 million more, and if I use them only for the top with a lower rise and mix them with circulating wood, it will be 1.5 million more. I could built the walls vertically with the thrust pulled by a wire in the middle of the girder line.
ある時から、一日おきに飲む日となり、一日おきに一汁一菜の日となった。土井さんの影響も大きい。At some point, it became a day of drinking every other day, and every other day a day of a simple meal. Mr. Doi was a significant influence.
The book was due to be published next summer, but they decided to move it up to next spring at an editorial meeting. The manuscript will be up before the end of the year. This morning I came up with an idea for a new book and even wrote the table of contents, but I think I’ll put it to bed for a while
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