
Sep 2021


by 卓 坂牛

Joint review session for the first half of the adult course. There are only two grades. It’s a wonderful thing when I think it’s been only six months since they start to learn architecture.


by 卓 坂牛

新刊が出たらとりあえず本屋で見てみるという著書が10人くらいいる。気に入ったら買う。これまで多いのは大澤真幸と柄谷行人。全てが期待通りだったわけではないが3割はヒットする。だからまた新刊に手を出すことになる。There are about 10 authors that I will take a look at at a bookstore when a new issue comes out. If I like it, buy it. So far, Masachi Osawa and Kojin Karatani have been the most popular. Not everything was as expected, but 30% hit. That’s why I’m going to take a look at a new issue again.



by 卓 坂牛


Since Debussy’s scale is composed of 6 notes, there is no chromatic scale between notes. I wasn’t sure what this meant, but I understood it by reading Mr. Akutagawa’s book. No matter which sound you start with, the sound will be the same, so there will be no standard sound, and a vague feeling without a center will be created. Sedlmayr  wrote about the loss of Western humanism at that time in “The Loss of the Center”, but did not mention music. But music also lost the center.


by 卓 坂牛

来週火曜日入稿だが、未だ索引校正への対応をズームで2時間打ち合わせさた。これまで索引は鹿島にお任せだったが今回は担当の渡辺さんが編集者校正を注意深く行う方なので、訳者の意向を必ず聞く。索引も難問が多いものだ。特に原書の記述が誤りの場合は頭を痛める。It wwill be submitted next Tuesday, but we still had a two-hour zoom meeting to discuss index proofreading. Until now, the index was left to Kashima, but this time Mr. Watanabe, who is in charge, carefully proofreads as the editor, so be sure to ask the translator’s intentions. The index also has many difficult problems. Especially when the description in the original document is incorrect, it hurt my head.


by 卓 坂牛


The bookshelf has been kept blind continuously . I should turn up the paper when I have to find the book I want to read, relying on my memory. I can’t find it in one shot.


by 卓 坂牛


There is a nice flower shop that I have never been in the neighborhood.  When I stopped by on my way home from shopping, I wanted to decorate the table with Great burnet.


by 卓 坂牛


I roughly counted my books on the bookshelf in the lab yesterday. There are about 800 books. Do I have 200 books in our capacity? The rest goes to Fujimi hut. After all I want to be able to put about 400 books. Center Wall or Western Wall?