
Sep 2021


by 卓 坂牛


A model of Fujimi’s hut:  log roof plan was completed. The vault space isn’t bad, but it’s quiet.


by 卓 坂牛


I absorb a lot of Kant from Tanehisa Otabe’s book. However, I regret that the influence of that knowledge on my architectural thinking is very small. Take seriously the contemporary actualities of Kant in the fields of architecture.


by 卓 坂牛

Talk-in Joetsu, which won the Architectural Institute of Japan Education Award two years ago, is an event where nearly 10 university teachers and students gather in Joetsu to discuss for three days. It has been going on for more than 10 years, and unfortunately it will be held online this year as well as last year. Since it is online, many people can participate, so we look forward to the participation of many students.


by 卓 坂牛

建築本は大学においてあるものが多いが、自宅の本を整理したら坂本先生の本は使うことが多く家に多くある。あと3冊くらいは見つからないから大学か?Many architectural books are in the university, but once I have organized my home books, Sakamoto-sensei’s books are often used at home.  I can’t find about 3 more books, so are they in university?


by 卓 坂牛


My spouse showed me an interesting book she had bought, “The Ethics of the Hand” by Asa Ito. I remembered that I had enjoyed this author’s “Memorizing the Body,” so I read it before my spouse did. She starts with the difference between “sawaru” and “fureru” and explains that fureru is a generative communication. It reminded me of when I had a gastroscopy, and the nurse gently touched my back.


by 卓 坂牛

編集後記を送りJIAマガジン9月15日号は間も無く校了。今月の建築が生まれる時は中村拓志の設計した「Optical Glass House」の竣工写真である。中村さんは建築が生まれる時は特定できないとおっしゃる。というのも、もしかすると建築はクライアントの頭の中にすでに生まれているかもしれないし、ある場合は設計者の一言によって生まれる、またある時は住人が住みこなした果てに出来上がるかもしれない。だから建築家を創造主とするのはおこがましいと言う訳である。よく言われるように良い建築は良い施主と、良い建築家と、良い施工者による合作なのであろう。

The 15th September issue of JIA Magazine is almost ready for publication. This month’s When Architecture is Born is a photograph of the completion of Optical Glass House, designed by Yasushi Nakamura. Mr. Nakamura says that it is impossible to specify when architecture is born. In some cases, the client may have already created it in their mind; in other cases, a single word from the designer may have made it, and in other cases, it may have been created after the inhabitants have lived through it. It is therefore unreasonable to think of the only architect as the creator. As is often said, a good building is a collaboration between a good client, a good architect, and a good builder.