
Sep 2021


by 卓 坂牛


We saw the last tapping of the couple’s junior high school classmate, Masato Teranishi. The result wad Kimura’s gold medal and Teranishi must be satisfied. He said in an email I  got around noon that he is a little lonely when he thought this would the last time. However, it is our role to give way to the younger generation.


by 卓 坂牛

この本は日高先生の生き方そのものについて書いたものである。酒もタバコも若い頃からやっていて止めようかなとも思うけれど、そういう時にやるかやらないかと白黒はっきりさせない、どっちでもいいやと考える。教え子には何をしたらとは言わず、興味があるものを見てくればと言う。科学とは○○は××だと言う風に言い切らない。建築もそんなもんだなあと思う。This book is about Hidaka’s way of life itself. Since His young days, he has been drinking and smoking, and He thinks about quitting, but He doesn’t make a black and white decision about whether He does or doesn’t. He guesses it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t tell his pupils what to do, and He asks them to look at what they are interested in. He doesn’t say to his students what to do. I think architecture is also like that.


by 卓 坂牛

坂牛SAKAUSHI に見えた。作新SAKUSHINだった。It looked like SAKAUSHI. It was SAKUSHIN.


by 卓 坂牛


I was surprised around the showroom. I thought Millet and Gaggenau were similar luxury home appliance makers, but Millet is a popular home appliance. When they come to Japan, the price is five times higher. Gaggenau is high class. It is also expensive in Germany. Gaggenau’s refrigerator is one million and delivery time is half a year. I heard that it was made to order. Home appliances made to order!