ホームウエアの本なんて見たことない。でもコロナで家にいるとなるとホームウエアはファッションの主役でもある、そしてもはや人の目を気にしないこのウエアの力点は素材に置かれる。オーガニックコットンの渡邊智恵子さんのことも書かれていた。「肌着くらいお金を出していいものを着なさい」と言われたのを思い出す。I’ve never seen a book about longwear. But when you’re at home in Corona, longwear is a leadin part of fashion, and the emphasis of this wear, which no longer cares about what people think, is placed on the material. Chieko Watanabe, who works with organic cotton, was also mentioned in the article. I remember her telling me, “You should at least pay for underwear and wear something good.
The proposal came in 5th place with a non-VUCA proposal in the age of VUCA (Uncertainty). Is there a VUCA argument that can overcome the flexibility of modernism and the diversity of postmodernism?

現代思想6月号 がポストモダン再考で星野くんがリオタールが30年前に行った展覧会「非物質展」が今再考されていると書いている。フレデリックジェイムソンは美学としてのポストモダニズムは終わったけれど、時代区分としてのポストモダニティは終わってないと言う。門脇耕三は建築のポストモダニズムが称揚した多様性の包摂は2000年代に漂白されたが、3・11以降再考されていると言う。モダニズム以降の連続と不連続は『白い壁』のテーマでもある。
The June issue of Contemporary Thought is a postmodern reconsideration, and Hoshino wrote that the exhibition “Non-Matter Exhibition” that Ryotald held 30 years ago is now being reconsidered. Fredric Jameson says that postmodernism as an aesthetic is over, but postmodernity as a periodization is not over. Kozo Kadowaki says that the subsumption of diversity praised by architectural postmodernism was bleached in the 2000s, but has been reconsidered since March 11. The continuity and discontinuity after modernism is also the theme of “white wall”.
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