
Jan 2022


by 卓 坂牛

The train I got on when I went to visit the grave the other day was the Doraemon. It seems to be lucky to be able to ride this.

by 卓 坂牛

窓から雪が見えたので外に出てみたらあらあらすごいI saw snow from the window, so when I went outside, it was amazing


by 卓 坂牛



When I pulled out and read the special feature on Eureka Mallarmé more than 30 years ago, Hiroshi Takayama wrote the article “White Metodology”. Here, white is the so-called “-death of God,’great malaise’, emptiness-” at the end of the century, and metodology is the methodology of the end-of-the-century artists (especially Mallarmé) who filled the white. Takayama called it “an expression of extreme alienation.” In the same magazine, Shusaku Arakawa even says that Mallarmé is not abstract, just like Naniwabushi. The studded alphabet was an inevitable word that filled white. Even though it’s not a common sign.

Now, my interest here is not in Mallarmé’s methodology, but in the emptiness of modernism that Takayama calls white. Is this white really related to white in architecture? By default, the building was wrapped in a white coat in uncentered modernism. So was there a talkative methodology in architecture that could even be called Naniwabushi? In fact, the gorgeous multicolored interior pointed out by Wigley may be a white metodology in architecture.


by 卓 坂牛

昨晩はウーさんの冬献立にリンゴのデザート。どれも、簡単で美味しく温まる。Last night we had Wu’s winter menu with an apple desert. All are easy to look and delicious to warm us up.


by 卓 坂牛

年始の最初の仕事はJIAマガジン1月15日号編集後記。先ほど送ってそろそろ校了である。今月の建築が生まれる時はスケッチでも模型でもなく建もの燃費計算結果である。これは2050年カーボンニュートラル目指す我が国の進むべきみち模索する竹内 昌義さんの建築が生まれる時である。

The first job of the beginning of the year is the editorial postscript of the January 15th issue of JIA Magazine. I sent it and it’s about time to finish. When this month’s architecture is born, it is not a sketch or a model, but a fuel consumption calculation result of the building. This is the time when the architecture of Mr. Masayoshi Takeuchi, who seeks the way Japan should go, aiming for carbon neutrality in 2050, will be born.


by 卓 坂牛


Akaama coffee in the neighborhood is crowded from the morning