According to a friend, she kept watching Netflix for five hours in order to escape from reality for the first time in her life due to some pain. I often make small escapisms. My friend says, “Oh, it’s an intelligentsia,” when I get tired of doing things and just run away into the world of books. No, it’s just easy. It takes time to recover after drinking alcohol, and it takes 2 hours to watch a movie.
A long time ago, a big senior at the company criticized an unmarried staff member, saying, “He doesn’t understand the subtleties of men and women.” People do not know that there are areas of high sensitivity and areas of low sensitivity, and they misunderstand that they are the highest human beings and want to say that they have no delicacy. People who cannot relativize themselves look flimsy.
僕と配偶者の中学の同級生アメリカより来宅。彼女はニューヨーク、ジャパンソサエティの芸術監督。音楽会は今生きている作曲家のものしか行かないと聞いてなるほどそれは面白いと思った。既に4回目のワクチン打ったとのこと。Junior high school classmate of my spouse and me came homeわfrom the states. She is the artistic director of the Japan Society in New York. I found it interesting enough to hear that the concerts where she only goes is of the composers who are alive now. She has already been vaccinated for the fourth time.

Takashi Tachibana says that what makes life happy is “do what you want to do in your way”, but those who are said to be winners are far from such a way of life.

I first learned the word mirror neuron. They say that human beings imprint the visual object on this side and cause emotions that may occur on that side on the side as well. In other words, they clarified the dynamic system of empathy in neuroscience. In art history, Verfrin said that the typical perceptual representations of the era form the style, and Taine noted that race and environment create the character of the work. Still, the position of neuroscience art history is more human than time and place. They said that the system of the brain produces results. No, I think humans do work, and society also makes them.

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