
Jun 2022


by 卓 坂牛

ポルトガルに行っているパラリンピックコーチ寺襾真人が富士見の小屋はできたか?とメールをくれた。(未だ着工してません)ついでに面白い建物があったと報告をくれた。いいねリスボン。行きたい。Masato Teramiya, a Paralympic coach in Portugal, asked me if hut in Fujimi has been completed? by email. (The construction has not started yet) He also reported that there was an interesting building. Like Lisbon. i wanna go.


by 卓 坂牛

五十嵐さんの近著いただく。オーダーのこと書かなければならない私にとって最高の参考書である。Mr Igarashi gave me his recent work. It’s the best reference book for me to write about orders.


by 卓 坂牛

Tohoku University 4th grade pre-diploma, I see only 4 times. Mr. Ichikawa and TA see them on the way. At the first class I was suffering from Corona and zoomed in from the hotel. So today is the first time to come to the campus. The task is to design up to 100 lives with reference to the life shift, when and what kind of building to build and how to live with, and who and how to use that building after you die.


by 卓 坂牛

At Tokyo University of Science, research expenses are cut if you do not apply for Kaken, but the understanding is narrow. Research includes joint research with companies and government offices, writing activities, etc., so there are academic fields where those are more important. Well, when it’s a hassle, the policy for the time being without enough consideration will break down.


by 卓 坂牛


When I got off Sendai Station and tried to get on the subway aiming for Tohoku University, I was appointed by a pair of police officers. It’s been since I was taking pictures of the Parliament building when I was a student. It seems that the clothes of me are similar to the criminal of the special fraud. Police officers were laughing when I told them that the scammer sense was good.


by 卓 坂牛

緑のラボノートが使い終わったので、オフホワイト銀文字で増刷。I have finished using the green lab notebook, so I reprinted it with off-white cover silver letters on.


by 卓 坂牛


The Child and Family Support Center has been completed. The red roof in the foreground is the clinic building, the green roof on the right is the training building, the green roof on the left is the center building, and the brown roof in the distance is the orphanage. The color of the roof is the grape color of local Yamanashi. May the children grow up soundly .


by 卓 坂牛

O.FD.A.オフィスのオーナー大野二郎 さんは上に住んでいて、時々話をするために降りてきます。 本日のお話しはKENCHIKU新聞に掲載されるそうです。
Jiro Ohno, the owner of O.FD.A. Architects office, lives above and sometimes comes down to talk. Today’s story will be published in the KENCHIKU newspaper.


by 卓 坂牛

There are few people who ask 10 questions and answers all of them properly by e-mail. However, while asking questions and opinions again to the 8 answers returned, the first unanswered, but quite important things disappeared, and at one point, what happened is a big deal. I want to have people around me who answer eleven things when I ask ten things so that we don’t have trouble.