学会賞の贈呈式で僕の前に座っていたプレゼンターが伊加賀さんだった。何十年ぶりにお会いしたでしょうか。彼の財務分析で我々は(彼が東京支部長、私が東京支部長代理)春闘を勝ち取ったのでした。だいぶ先輩だと思っていたけど、定年の年は一年しか変わらないので驚く。Mr. Ikaga was the presenter sitting in front of me at the presentation ceremony of the JIA award. I have not met him for decades. With his financial analysis we won the spring battle (he is the head of the Tokyo branch and I am the deputy head of the Tokyo branch). I thought he was a senior, but I’m surprised that the retirement age is only one year difference.
I think I’ve been judging the AIJ prize for two years. The award is a battle against the tradition in Japanese “Shigarami” values, but the judges are reasonably conservative, so the tradition “Shigarami” is preserved. Not limited to works. Academia is designed to follow established values to protect one’s castle. I can’t deny that there is such a world, but I think it’s a world that isn’t exciting.
Kyoichi Tsuzuki says that the most interesting book now is a vanity press. Because it doesn’t contain the meaningless advice of the editor who is not interesting, and it says what he really wants to write. Nowadays, books can be made by yourself and distributed to the world, but it is ridiculous to put your idea through unnecessary common sense filters of major publishers and give 90% of sales. If you sell them on Amazon as an ebook, they only take 50%. Of sales. Think carefully about which one is correct. Seniors say good things.j
先輩、都築響一の近著によると、Popeye Brutus には編集会議がなかった。各々が心底面白いと思うことだけ勝手に取材するのが方針だったからだそうだ。いいねそれ。JIAマガジンは私しか編集者がいないからそれに近い。
According to a recent book by my senior, Kyoichi Tsuzuki, Popeye Brutus did not have an editorial meeting. It seems that it was a policy to cover only what each person thinks is interesting. I like it. JIA Magazine is close to that cause I am only an editor.
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