I took my spouse to ASSIST, a name that only handles electric assist bicycles in search of a foot in a mountain hut. I was looking for a three-wheeled vehicle, but when I tried it on, I realized that it was difficult to turn. A normal mint-colored mamachari with a used body, new battery, and tires was half the price, so I went for it.

編集会議でタイトルは『教養としての建築入門』がいいのではということになった。なるほどこんな本は手にとってみたくなる。At the editorial meeting, it was decided that the title should be “Introduction to Architecture as Education”. I would indeed pick up a book like this.

Fujimi hut report (2) 伐採、抜根、根切りを終え道路からのアクセスと基礎底に砕石しました。8月は3週間工事禁止なので施工図確認期間とします。今回地質調査はしてません。凍結震度1メートルなので1メート掘っています。掘った土の重さと、建物重さが釣り合うという理屈です。
Fujimi hut report (2) After removing the trees, roots, the access from the road and crushed stones were put on the foundation bottom. In August, construction is prohibited for 3 weeks, so it will be a construction drawing confirmation period. We didn’t do a geological survey this time. Since the freezing seismic intensity is 1 meter, we are digging 1 meter. The theory is that the weight of the excavated soil and the weight of the building are balanced.
やっと終わりましたもうすぐ夜中の12時です。台湾は11時でしょうか。zoom では日本の審査員の今野先生、私、シンガポール大学の坂元伝先生、香港大学のトーマス先生が参加しました。ああ眠い。
It’s finally over. It’s almost midnight. Is it 11 o’clock in Taiwan? The zoom session was attended by the Japanese juror Prof. Konno, myself, Prof. Den Sakamoto of the University of Singapore, and Prof. Thomas of the University of Hong Kong. Oh sleepy

I was told that today’s Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan Graduation projects Contest examinations would be held at 6 o’clock, and when I asked what time it would finish, they said it would be 11 o’clock. Let’s eat first.

今日プレゼンをした東北大学四年生は全員、ゼネコンかデベ志望、組織事務所志望さえゼロ、と聞いて驚いた。一番優秀な学生は卒計さえやらないというからもうガックリ。これプレディプロマじゃないの?I was surprised to hear that all the 4th grade students of Tohoku University who gave a presentation today had desire to go to a general contractor or a developer, no desire to go to a large firm. The best students don’t even do a thesis project so I’m disappointed. Isn’t this a pre-diploma?
Tohoku University Prediploma, Final Review. The task is to first plan your own life, decide when and how to live (share house, two-family house, etc.), set up a site around Kagurazaka, read my book “Originarities of Architects”,and decide the base point and designs the residence. I found some hi-quality projects

音楽分析の役割は二つあり、聴衆に聴き方を提案することと、聴衆が演奏者の立場に身を置くことを可能にすることだそうだ。だから建築分析は建築を見る人に見方を提案し、建築家の立場に身を置くことを可能にすることかもしれない。昨日の編集会議を通った次の本のサブタイトルは「見方、作り方」としたいと編集者から連絡があったが、納得した。The role of music analysis is to suggest to the audience how to listen and to allow the audience to put themselves in the position of a performer. So architectural analysis may offer a perspective to the viewer of architecture and allow him to be in the position of an architect. The editor contacted me that the subtitle of the next book that passed through yesterday’s editorial meeting was “How to read, how to make”, but I was convinced.

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