Mr. Hirata, who wanted to be a biologist, creates an architecture where living things live, Mr. Suemitsu, who grew up in the sea of Setouchi, creates an architecture that coexists with nature, and Mr. Uno, who grew up in a craftsman’s house, creates a craftsman-like architecture. That kind of thing cannot be changed. I was so absorbed in music that I realized that I wanted to make something like that.
音楽分析の役割は二つあり、聴衆に聴き方を提案することと、聴衆が演奏者の立場に身を置くことを可能にすることだそうだ。だから建築分析は建築を見る人に見方を提案し、建築家の立場に身を置くことを可能にすることかもしれない。昨日の編集会議を通った次の本のサブタイトルは「見方、作り方」としたいと編集者から連絡があったが、納得した。The role of music analysis is to suggest to the audience how to listen and to allow the audience to put themselves in the position of a performer. So architectural analysis may offer a perspective to the viewer of architecture and allow him to be in the position of an architect. The editor contacted me that the subtitle of the next book that passed through yesterday’s editorial meeting was “How to read, how to make”, but I was convinced.

先日研究室の4年生がコンクリート模型の型枠を3Dプリンターで作っていた。昨日大学院生が木軸模型のジョイントを3DPで作っていた。模型全体を3DPで作る日は近い。The other day, a fourth grader in the laboratory made a concrete model formwork with a 3D printer. Yesterday, a graduate student made a wooden shaft model joint with 3DP. The day to make the whole model with 3DP is coming soon

Mr. Hirata, who wanted to be a biologist, creates an architecture where living things live, Mr. Suemitsu, who grew up in the sea of Setouchi, creates an architecture that coexists with nature, and Mr. Uno, who grew up in a craftsman’s house, creates a craftsman-like architecture. That kind of thing cannot be changed. I was so absorbed in music that I realized that I wanted to make something like that.
Graduate School Design Review, Mr. Kinbako’s studio, Mr. Asao Harada. Finally, a beautiful model was made. I wanted you to make it sooner. It seems that they thought.

Congratulations Kochi-kun. I think this is the first time they have commended the graduation thesis of a graduate of my laboratory at AIJ. Everyone, please write an exciting treatise and follow this. After all, They evaluate interesting treatises.

研究室でPCの博論書いている学生とPCの現代的価値を考えている。東大のインターナショナルヴィレッジを見せてもらいなぜPCを使ったか千葉さんに聞いてみた。答えは「品質管理」。I asked Mr. Chiba why he used a PC after showing me the International Village of the University of Tokyo. The answer is “quality control. I am thinking about the current value of PC with students writing the doctoral thesis of PC in the laboratory..”

寝顔が可愛いくて、抜き足差し足 忍足で近づいたが感づかれた。The sleeping face was cute, and she felt it when I approached it stealthily.

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