The other day in Kyoto, people reading my books and translations asked me, “When is Mr. Sakaushi sleeping?” I sleep normally. But when I can’t sleep, I don’t sleep. Also, there are days when I do various things at once by chopping up time and place, and days when you only do one thing all day, and it seems that productivity will improve if you have both.

Fujimi hut
去年の3月親父が逝き、残した富士見の土地を4月に訪れ、スケッチを描き始めた。途中コストが落ちず、やめようかとも思ったが、スペックを落とし、形を単純化して、着工できた。雪が降る頃にはできていますように。My father passed away in March of last year, and I visited the land of Fujimi that he left behind in April and started drawing sketches. I thought I should stop because the cost did not drop, but I was able to start construction by lowering the specifications and simplifying the shape. I hope it will be completed by the time it snows.
Job interview
月曜日の午前中に就職面接をする企業がある。こう言う会社は平日の午前中は休みなのか?とその非常識ぶりに驚く。そんなことがまかり通るのだと学生は思うだろうし、入社したらそういう非常識を行う社員になってしまうのだろう。だからそういう会社から内定が出ても私は推薦状は書きたくない。Some companies have a job interview on Monday morning. Do companies like this have a day off on weekday mornings? I am surprised at the insaneness. Students will think that such a thing will happen, and when they join the company, they will become employees who do such insane things. So even if such a company gives students job offer, I don’t write a letter of recommendation.
会田誠は大学院時代に手足を切断した少女に首輪をつけた日本画のようなアクリル画を「犬」と題して描き物議を醸した。その後の会田の人生を決定づけた「犬」に込められた思いを読んで、僕は自分の建築への考えと重複するところが多いのに驚いた。曰く自らの表現はジレンマであると。それは小林秀雄のいう「世に一つとして簡単に片付く問題はない」に通ずると言う。そして一つの方向に素直に進む表現「ひたすら進む系」は自分のやりたいこととは違うという。僕の建築への思いも同じで建築もジレンマなのである。何か一つの方向(芸術性でも社会性でもなんでもいいのだが)にひたすら進む気にはなれないのである。Makoto Aida created a controversial acrylic painting, which looks Japanese painting, with a collar attached to a girl who had amputated limbs during graduate school, entitled “Dog.” When I read the thoughts put into the “dog” that determined Aida’s life after that, I was surprised that there were many overlaps with my own thoughts on architecture. He says that his expression is a dilemma. It leads to Hideo Kobayashi’s “There is no problem that you can easily clear up in the world.” And the expression “a system that goes straight forward” is different from what I want to do. My thoughts on architecture are the same, and architecture is a dilemma.I don’t feel like going in one direction (artistic or social).
The other day, Mr. Taji of Kyoto University said that he would not accept doctoral student easily because doctoral guidance is difficult. Mr. Igarashi and Mr. Tsukamoto are many international students in the doctoral course, and it is difficult. I also wake up in the middle of the night under the pressure of “End while I am in office!” However, the design theory is finally discovered at the doctoral level. That’s why I think it’s something that a university faculty member should do.
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