
Oct 2022


by 卓 坂牛

神楽坂に理科大の地域に開かれた空間を作る二年生の課題A challenge for second-year students to create a space open to the community of the Tokyo University of Science in Kagurazaka.


by 卓 坂牛

仕事が早い人はやり方も上手だが、すぐやるから早く終わるのだ。一服してからとか、食後にとか思わず、今やろう。山積みのゴミがあっという間に無くなる爽快感を味わえる。するとゴミがあることが許せなくなるものだ。People who work quickly are good at doing things, but they finish quickly because they start to do it quickly. Don’t think about it after taking a puff or after a meal, do it now. You can enjoy the exhilarating feeling that the pile of garbage disappears in no time. Then the presence of garbage becomes unacceptable.


by 卓 坂牛

I cut some ash branches. At the tip of it I found a brave looking insect.

by 卓 坂牛

午前中の授業では、就活とは何か、会社とは何か、なんで1年間企業は就活やらせているのか、一時間半持論を捲し立てたらスッキリした。午後は自律性他律性の話。スペインからの留学生がいるのでたまに英語。授業後帰ろうとしたら学生が近寄ってきたので、質問?と聞いたら、先生の靴、いいねと褒められた。In the morning class, I spent an hour and a half discussing what job-hunting is, what a company is, and why companies allow job-hunting for a year. In the afternoon, the story of autonomy heteronomy. There is an exchange student from Spain, so sometimes I speak English. When I was about to go home after class, a student approached me. When I asked if she had a question, she said the teacher’s shoes were nice. Thanks


by 卓 坂牛

小松さんの本を後ろから読んだ。書店、死、子育て、食、スポーツ、アート、、ほぼ興味の順だったから。この項目でそのまま新都市論が書けると思った。小松さんが言うように人は地方的なことと都市的なことの間を生きている, 生きていたい。ので  どちらかではない。だから彼のあげた項目を都市的に見ることができるし、意味もある。
I read Komatsu’s book backwards. Bookstores, death, child rearing, food, sports, art, in that order of interest. I thought I could write a new city theory on this item. As Mr. Komatsu says, people live between the local and the urban. I want to live, so I don’t care which is more important. That’s why I can see the items he gave from an urban perspective, and they have meaning.


by 卓 坂牛

あと1ヶ月でできちゃうので模型見ながら布団とか、タオルとか買うもの考えていたらけっこうたくさんある。食器は配偶者に任せた。アラビアで選ぶと言っていた。It will be finished in a month, so while looking at the model, I was thinking about what to buy, such as futons and towels, and there were quite a lot. I left the dishes to my spouse. She said to choose in Arrabia.


by 卓 坂牛
