Design studio of 3rd graders, making Shibaura Island Alternative. Split up and design a landscape this week. The design that came out is as expected. They don’t know how big the tree is. So We actually measured the university square. Everyone was surprised when they actually measured the width of trees and made a drawing. Trees are big!
千葉雅也の学生時代のほぼ実話のような小説。修論とゲイとしての内面が重なる。久しぶりに面白い物語に出会った。A novel that is almost like a true story of Chiba Masaya’s school days. Master’s thesis and the inside as a gay overlap. I met an interesting story after a long time.
妻面が顔となる場合がある。けらばは眉のようなものだから勾配と軒の出が表情を作る。ソース顔にも醤油顔にもなる。The gable makes the face. Verge is like eyebrows, so the slope and depth of overhanging eaves create an expression. It could have defined facial features or soft ones.
キツツキに穴あけられないように軒裏もけらばもガルバで包む。今週で大工工事はほぼ終わりとの連絡あり。To prevent woodpeckers from drilling holes, the eaves and veneers are wrapped in galvalume steel plate. We have been informed that the carpentry work is almost finished this week.
ポートランドで最も重要なことはサスティナビリティでもコミュニティでもなくてクリエイティビティだそうだ。自分の好きなことを仕事にして好きなだけ働く。ワークライフバランスなんてもう古い。そんな人が集まっているから町が活気付くのだという。The most crucial thing in Portland is creativity, not sustainability or community. Do what you love and work as long as you like. Work-life balance is outdated. They say that the town is lively because such people gather.
配偶者からは日展行かない?と誘われたが、新建築の原稿、JIA マガジンの新しい企画書作り、新書原稿第10章構想、週末保坂さんインタビューの下調べ、に追っかけられ行くべきか行かぬべきか迷う。しかし原稿締め切りはまだ先、企画書は来週でもいい、構想は歩きながら考えられる、下調べは明日午前中やれる。だから行くか!
Do you not go to Nitten from my spouse? I was invited, but I was chased by the manuscript for Shinkenchiku, making a new proposal for JIA magazine, planning the 10th chapter of the manuscript for the new book, and researching the interview with Mr. Hosaka on the weekend. However, the deadline for the manuscript is still ahead, the proposal can be submitted next week, the concept can be considered while walking, and the preliminary research can be done tomorrow morning. So go!
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