An overworked author writes this book. She gives guidance on how not to work too much with a sense of self-admonition. Only those who say, “I never work too much,” are said to be overworked, and when they die, they regret that they shouldn’t have worked much. The first thing such people should do is throw away all the emails they receive without reading them. If you throw away 1,000 copies, you will only receive a few reminder emails. I’ll try it too. I don’t throw it away in the first place, but I don’t read it, so it may not matter much.
Fujimi hut 南面開口部一番右はリクシル樹脂サッシ外開き、真ん中と左は木を白焼き付けアルミで覆ったはめ殺し。大工さんが同じサイズで作りましょうと頑張ってくれました。ありがとうございます。
Fujimi hut The rightmost opening on the south side is a Lixil resin sash that opens outward. In the middle and left, wood is covered with white-baked aluminum. The carpenter did his best to make it in the same size. Thank you.
日建辞めてから24年たつ。その間作った建築が40。書いた本が8冊。訳した本が4冊。書いた査読論文が4本。しめて56。生産性は2.3作品/年である。多くはないが少なくもない。建築学科に籍を置くなら論文、本書くか作品作れと先輩教授に言われ肝に命じた結果である。しかしこれから今いる博士の学生を全部追い出すには論文11本書かないといけない。絶対やろう!It has been 24 years since I left Nikken. I had 40 buildings built during that time, have written eight books, translated four books, written four peer-reviewed papers. It is 56. Productivity is 2.3 works/year. Not too many, but not too few. This is the result of my senior professor telling me that if I enrolled in the Department of Architecture, I should write a thesis or book or create a work. However, I have to write 11 papers to expel all the current doctoral students. Definitely do it!
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