
Jan 2023


by 卓 坂牛

When I checked the mail piled up at the office, Mr. Takei’s book-form dissertation had arrived. It’s a fun book with lots of beautiful pictures. Since I read his thesis in AIJ Journal, I expected this day. Congratulation!!


by 卓 坂牛

Ms. Kijima gave me a broom 🧹 to celebrate the completion of Fujimi Hut. This broom palm part is so thick that it can stand.


by 卓 坂牛




Ten years ago, we had a symposium on architectural theory at Southeast University in Nanjing. We had a deep discussion for two nights and three days. The title is provocative, “Is history effective in design?” 80% of the historians who were there ignored the 20% of the architects and got into a big fight (like). On the way back, I had business in Shanghai, and Columbia University historian Martin Reinhold and I talked about the contents of the discussion on the way to Shanghai. According to him, most architectural historians today are case study types. On the other hand, the original role of a historian is to create a grand theory, which is what my (his) teacher, Kenneth Frampton, does. I (he) would like to be.

I feel unsatisfactory with Japanese architectural historians today because no one talks about the grand theory. Prof.Aoi (prof. Kato also) are exceptions. I want to pay tribute to Mr. Kawajiri’s sense of smell, which could detect this quickly. This book was an excellent introduction to his view.
Two things are true of Aoi. One is his grand scope as a historian. The other is a cleverly worded assertion. I was impressed and learned a lot from this skill .
I recently published two articles, one at AIJ and one on Shinkenchiku. In a nutshell, architectural heteronomy has been emphasized in the last century and the present. Politically, it has shifted from monarchical democracy to mediocre democracy.
It is a warning that it is not suppressing the possibility of having verticality. My context and Mr. Aoi’s are somewhat different. Still, in Mr. Aoi’s conclusion, in the end, when an architect creates a building, he takes over the horizontal while going out vertically. Consistent with my claims.
Somewhere along the line, a pass breaks through the opponent’s defensive net and can score the point. It’s a strange way of saying it, but you can only get points if you pass the pass sideways. To move history forward, we must move vertically. This book is a rare guidebook for architects that traces the timing of this movement back to the early days of human history.


by 卓 坂牛

買ったばかりの電動自転車を富士見に運び、最初に乗って10回こいだらチェーンが切れた。こんなことある?I brought the electric bicycle I just bought to Fujimi, and after riding it for the first 10 times, the chain broke. Is there such a thing?


by 卓 坂牛

I gave up on the 8sun slope that made the post, and it’s a rectangular slope. I made bricolage with the materials I had on hand. Let’s remake it with an 8 sun slope in the spring.