I received a new translation from Mr. Katagiri, a researcher of Rossi. The title is very interesting.
フッサールにまた興味があるのは彼が数学者だったから。篠原一男と思考のメカニズムが似ているのでは?Husserl is interesting again because he was a mathematician. Isn’t the mechanism of his thinking similar to that of Kazuo Shinohara?
My favorite TV show, “100 Minutes Masterpiece”, June is Naomi Klein’s “Shock Doctrine.” Due to hurricane-like crisis people who got in a stupor will be forced radical market-oriented economic reforms by the US government and global corporations. My spouse has taken it from the bookshelf and put it under the TV.
もう紙の雑誌購読はやめようということになった。大学も物理や数学はみなeマガジンだ。本は紙、雑誌はデータの方が扱いやすい。We decided to stop subscribing to paper magazines. In Universities, at the departments of physics and mathematics they subscribe e-magazines. Books are easier to handle on paper, and magazines are easier to handle as data.
そろそろ嫌いな梅雨。もう梅雨か?I hate the rainy season soon. Is it the rainy season already?
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