新進気鋭のカメラマン原田教正君と編集者の奥さん来宅。彼はファッションも料理も最近は西澤さんの建物も撮った。では私の念願『衣食住の共通原理』の写真を撮ってとお願いした。Up-and-coming photographer Kazumasa Harada and his editor’s wife came to our house. He has photographed fashion, food, and recently Nishizawa’s buildings. Then, I asked him to take a picture of my long-cherished desire, “The Common Principle of Food, Clothing, and Housing.”
A person close to my spouse passed away suddenly. He seems to have been busy with nursing care and work. I work too much. Spend more time with my wife, warns my spouse. She told me to write ✍️ down what she would have to do if I pass away tomorrow, so I told her verbally.
スイスから帰国した常山さんが勧めてくれたヨーロッパの話題書。人もマツタケも同じというマルチスピーシーズの本。洋書にしては珍しく次の日届いた。A European topic book recommended by Ms. Tsuneyama, who returned from Switzerland. A multispecies book that says that people and matsutake mushrooms are the same. It arrived the next day, which is rare for a foreign book.
今日はシーラカンスインタビュー。伊藤さん、赤松さんにお話を聞いた。初めてシーラカンスロングヒストリーを開陳していただいた。Coelacanth interview today. We interviewed Mr. Ito and Ms. Akamatsu. The coelacanth long history was explained for the first time.
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