
Jun 2023


by 卓 坂牛

坂牛研obog 会。今日の主役は9月に結婚するラトゥール。信大1期生の中尾から現役4年生まで久しぶりの対面OBOG会。終わって拙宅に来る人もいれば、二次会に行く人もいたみたい。
Sakaushi Ken Obog Kai was taken place. Today’s protagonist is Latour, who is getting married in September. Nakao, who was a Shindai first-year student, participated in the event, as well as current fourth-year students. Face-to-face alumni meeting for the first time in a while. It seems that some people came to my house after the party and some people went to the after party.


by 卓 坂牛

It may be because I had been reading the draft before I got the translation rights, but the rough translation, which I shared half and half with Henmi, is over. We could finish translating in the fall. Consider the preface.


by 卓 坂牛

Banana Yoshimoto’s radical aphorism, but I’m surprised I could agree with almost everything.
“Designe for 24 hours. Never forget it.”
“Temporarily question everything that is taken for granted.”
“Don’t design what you don’t need”
“But never designe for needs.”
“Keep it going for a long time. Just keep designing with time.”
“Don’t compete. Dig yourself deeper and deeper.”


by 卓 坂牛

Since the seminar ended early, we kicked a ball in the park next to the university. I’m happy that we can kick a ball,


by 卓 坂牛

論文を書いているとついかっこいい概念を使いたくなる。僕も修論を書いている時「中心と周縁」を無理矢理使って坂本先生に怒られた。博士ゼミの発表を聴いているとたまにそうした強引さを感じる時がある。あくまで目の前にある事実に忠実に素直に読み込まないと間違える。When you write a thesis, you can’t help but want to use cool concepts. When I was writing my master’s thesis, I was scolded by Professor Sakamoto for forcibly using “center and periphery”. Sometimes when I listen to doctoral seminar presentations, I sometimes feel that kind of pushiness. If you don’t read it faithfully and obediently to the facts in front of you, you will make a mistake.


by 卓 坂牛

坂牛研obog 会。今日の主役は9月に結婚するラトゥール。信大1期生の中尾から現役4年生まで久しぶりの対面OBOG会。終わって拙宅に来る人もいれば、二次会に行く人もいたみたい。
Sakaushi Ken Obog Kai was taken place. Today’s protagonist is Latour, who is getting married in September. Nakao, who was a Shindai first-year student, participated in the event, as well as current fourth-year students. Face-to-face alumni meeting for the first time in a while. It seems that some people came to my house after the party and some people went to the after party.


by 卓 坂牛

1年生恒例ペーパーブリッジ大会。学生最強は助教チームに勝ちました。お見事!1st grade annual paper bridge competition. The strongest student won the assistant professor team. well done!