最近建物を見るとクライアントとお話しすることが多々あり、この人に賞を差し上げるべきだなと思うことしきり。拙著は建築リテラシーを高めたく書いたけど、そんな本は不要な方々も沢山いる。そして改めて思うがいい建築はいいクライアントとそれを受け止められる建築家との幸運な出会いから生まれる。Recently, when I look at the building, I often talk to the client, and I often think that this person should be given an award. I wrote the recent book to improve architectural literacy, but there are many people who do not need such a book. And once again, good architecture is born from a fortunate encounter between a good client and an architect who can accept it.
青井さんの自邸は夫婦が運営するシェアハウス。そこに4人が間借りしている。そのうち2人がたまたま子供。ユニークだけど理にかなってるよなぁ。さてこの家は徹底した幾何学を使って設計されている。構築の論理がないものは建築ではないという主張に共感する。Mr Aoi’s own house is like a shared house run by Aoi and his wife. There are four people renting a room there. Two of them happen to be children. Unique but makes sense. The house has been designed using extreme geometry. I sympathize with the assertion that something without the logic of design is not architecture.
道の駅視察で我孫子へ。シンプルな形がほんの少しの操作で豊かになるものだと感心することしきり。構造も鉄をこんなに上手に細く使うんだと勉強になりました。ディスプレイのシステムも上手いなあ。Head to Abiko for a roadside station inspection. I was amazed at how a simple shape can be enriched with just a few manipulations. I learned that the structure uses iron so skillfully and thinly. Display system is also nice.
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