Yoshiki Mori, a professor of linguistics at the University of Tokyo, was my classmate in junior high school. He organized a study session on my book. He held a seminar for 20 people in a classroom in Komaba. I imitated a famous tv program reading a famous book in 100 minutes and talked about my own work in 90 minutes. After the event, we had a buffet party at a nice restaurant called Leveson Vert on campus, which was a refurbished first high school alumni hall. I really thank all the friends who have come.
僕のノートは89年から丸善の布張りになり、なんでも捨てる僕の持ち物にしては珍しく家に居座っている。読み返すことは無いのだから出ていけばいいのになかなか出ていかない。My notebook has been changed in Maruzen product since 1989, and has been staying at home. it is rare case for me who throw away everything. Since I never read back them, it would be nice for those notebook to go out of my house. but it doesn’t go out easily.
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