今日から6回早稲田で日本建築家の講義、萩原さんが篠原一男まで語り私は伊東豊雄以降を語る。早稲田の非常勤ラウンジはここち良くて仕事が捗る。Starting today, there will be the 6th lecture on Japanese architects at Waseda University, where Mr. Hagiwara had already talked about it until Kazuo Shinohara and I will talk about Toyo Ito and beyond. The part-time lounge at Waseda University is comfortable and allows me to get my work done.
Shinjuku Kinokuniya’s books by Izumi Hongo, a fashion designer with a background in architecture and an affiliated junior, are laid with my book side by side. wonderful!
加湿器は使うなら毎日洗えと若林医師に教えられた。たしかに加湿器の中はなんだか汚い。それなら自然の加湿器の方がいいわけだ。モンステラがんばれ。Dr. Wakabayashi taught me that if I use a humidifier, I should wash it every day. It’s true that the inside of the humidifier is dirty. In that case, a natural humidifier is better. Good luck Monstera.
スケッチ用モンブランの万年筆が真っ二つに折れた。修理に持って行き今の値段が10万以上するのに驚く。My Montblanc sketching fountain pen broke in two. I took it in for repair and was surprised to find that the current price is over 100,000 yen.
facebookにHongo さんのコレクションで素敵なセーター見つけたと投稿した。後日欲しくなってメールしたら、わたしの投稿見た方が買われたと聞き驚いた。I posted on Facebook that I found a nice sweater in Hongo’s collection. Later, when I wanted it and emailed her, I was surprised to hear that somebody bought it after seeing my post.
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