1月1日、お雑煮ばかりは作ったことがなかった。鶏肉解凍忘れてた。仕方ないベーコンにきのこ、にんじん、ネギ、餅、出汁だけ鳥。「悪いものは食べない」が今年の抱負なので餅2個食べていいか悩む。黒豆きな粉が相殺してくれるだろう。セロリの葉っぱうまい。On January 1st, I had never made ozoni before. I forgot to defrost the chicken. Bacon, mushrooms, carrots, green onions, rice cakes, and dashi soup. My plan for this year is not to eat bad food, so I’m wondering if I should eat two mochi. I hope the black soybean flour will offset this. Celery leaves are delicious.
The weather is bad on New Year’s Eve. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be closed, so I’ll have to go shopping.
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