
Mar 2024


by 卓 坂牛

今年は研究室が忙しい。7月からマドリード工科大の先生がTUS助成金で3か月、マドリード IE大学(世界ランキング一桁)の学生は自費で3か月、ウィーン工科大のイタリア人学生が交換留学で10月から半年、フランスのポスドクがJSPSのスカラーシップで夏から1年やって来る予定。さてどうなるかな?The lab will be busy this year. From July, a professor from the Technical University of Madrid will receive a TUS grant for three months, students from IE University of Madrid (single digit world ranking) will spend three months at their own expense, and Italian students from the Technical University of Vienna will study abroad for six months from October, a French postdoctoral fellow is scheduled to come to JSPS for a year from summer on a scholarship. Now what will happen?


by 卓 坂牛

友あり、修了生+小堀哲夫さん、神楽坂に来たる、また楽しからずや。坂牛💪をふるう。Friends, graduates + Tetsuo Kobori, coming to Kagurazaka, it’s a fun isn’t it . Serving SakaIshi did my best.


by 卓 坂牛

こんなことがあった。ある組織の会報誌に書評を頼まれた。坂内さん宛にそのメールは来た。原稿料振込先を書く書類が添付されていた。ご丁寧に振り込み先の名前が書き込まれていた。私の名前があるべき所に私のよく知る人の名前が書いてあった。二つの名前の間違いを指摘したが、返信先の名は相変わらず坂内だった。こんな人相手に仕事したく無いと思ったが著者は良く知る人だから耐え忍んで書いた。4月15日締め切りだが先程送った。すると掲載記事が多いので必ず掲載しますがお待たせします。だって。この組織とは関わりたく無い。Something like this happened. I was asked to write a book review for an organization’s newsletter. The email was addressed to Mr. Sakauchi. Attached was a document stating where to send the manuscript fee. The name of the recipient was carefully written. It had the name of someone I know well written on it. I pointed out the mistake in the two names, but the name of person whom he responded was still Sakauchi. I didn’t want to work with someone like this, but since I know the author well, I persevered and wrote the review. The deadline is April 15th, but I just sent it. Since there are many articles to be published, he will definitely post them, but he apologizes for the inconvenience. I don’t want anything to do with this organization.


by 卓 坂牛

共訳者、共著者、共編者、編集者、の皆様が体調崩したり、迷い込んだり、他の仕事が忙しかったりでいつも私は独走してしまう。これは自慢ではなくて本当に困ったことで、忘れた頃に質問や校正が来たりする。そうすると本当に忘れているからもう一回エンジン温めるのに時間がかかる。もっとこっちもゆっくりやればいいのだが、実はそれも効率が悪くて、一度エンジンかけると1キロずつ100日走るより3日で100キロ走る方が燃費がいい。だから毎回同じことが起こる。やれやれ、、My co-translators, co-authors, co-editors, and editors are all sick, wandering off, or busy with other work, so I’m always on my own. This is not something I’m proud of, but it’s something that really bothers me, and I often get questions and proofreads by the time I forget something. If you do that, you’ll really forget, so it will take some time to warm up the engine again. It would be nice to do this more slowly, but that’s actually inefficient, and once you start the engine, it’s more fuel-efficient to run 100 km in 3 days than to drive 1 km at a time for 100 days. So the same thing happens every time. Good grief,


by 卓 坂牛

また拙著の話しで恐縮です。事務所行ったら金沢21世紀美術館キュレーターの本橋仁さんが『教養としての建築入門』に長い書評を書いてくれた『住宅建築』4月号が届いていた。本書の狙いが的確に書かれていて嬉しかったです。本橋さんありがとうございます。I also apologize for talking about my book. When I went to the office, I found that the April issue of “Residential Architecture”, in which Hitoshi Motohashi had written a long review of “Introduction to Architecture as a Liberal Arts”, had arrived. I was happy that the purpose of this book was clearly written. Thank you, Motohashi-san.


by 卓 坂牛

拙著『教養としての建築入門』初版で12000刷り、8か月で重版3000となりました。ありがたいお知らせです。私の中では、プレゼンの本が6-7刷りしてますが、部数では抜いたかもしれません。今年は編著、共著、共訳、など4冊刊行予定です。今後ともご愛顧いただければ嬉しいです。The first edition of my book “Introduction to Architecture as a Liberal Arts” had 12,000 prints, and 3,000 reprints were made in eight months. This is good news. I have 6-7 prints of my presentation book, but I may have surpassed it in terms of number of copies. This year, I am planning to publish four books, including edited, co-authored, and co-translated. We look forward to your continued patronage.