マドリード caixa forum
マドリード到着。インストラクターとして同行したた大村、中村、平田はこれまで学生の立場や教師の立場でバルセロナ、ウィーン、チューリッヒ、プラハ、グアテマラシティ、サンチアゴ、リマ、ブエノスアイレス、モンテビデオ、パラグアイ、に一緒に行った面々。週末は時差ぼけ直しつつ来週のワークショップに向けて建築見て回ります。Arrived in Madrid. Instructors, Omura, Nakamura, and Hirata, have been to Barcelona, Vienna, Zurich, Prague, Guatemala City, Santiago, Lima, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Paraguay with me. Over the weekend, I will recover from jet lag and look around at architecture in preparation for next week’s workshop.
親父が学生の頃東大と言わず経済学部はマルクス経済学だった。しかしマル経は季節ハズレとなった。そして今斉藤幸平がやって来て時代は変わりつつある。マルクスの資本主義分析は正しかったのだ。配偶者は斉藤幸平が高校時代東大にいたなら東大を目指したと言う。親父も天国で喜んでいるだろう。When my father was a student at the University of Tokyo, the economics department was Marxian economics. However, Marukei lost the season. And now Kohei Saito has arrived and times are changing. Marx’s analysis of capitalism turned out to be correct. My spouse says that if Kohei Saito had attended the University of Tokyo when she was in high school, she would have aimed for the University. My father will be happy in heaven too.
Kyoto University philosopher Kinji Imanishi said that it is difficult to make truly creative discoveries from induction and deduction. In place of the two, he argues for the possibility of analogy. Analogy is the application of logic that holds true in one field to another field. There is no need for logic to apply it. So it’s a gamble. Therefore, it may be beyond reason. This is why I talk about architecture analogically.、
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