書見台を置いてみた。860の高さの机に本を置き、450のイスで本を読むと首の骨が垂直にのびる。疲れない。おすすめである。I set up a bookrest. If you place a book on a desk with a height of 860 cm and read a book on a chair with a height of 450 cm, your neck bones will grow vertically. never tired. Recommended.
I received an email asking if I could accept the use of a text from my book for a university entrance exam. Please understand that due to the nature of the matter, consent is required after the fact. Of course I agreed, but there were some mistakes that I had to correct in the recent reprint. I hope it’s not being used, but…
座面高さが450から570まで可動のイスを買った。机の高さは860。机上で仕事する時は570に、本読む時は450に。背筋が伸びる。I bought a chair whose seat height can be adjusted from 450 to 570. The height of the desk is 860. When working on a desk, set it to 570, and when reading a book, set it to 450. My back straightens.
大学院設計前期は構造を考える。金町駅が課題。意匠は今年から新関さん、構造は蒲池さん。楽しみ。The first semester of graduate school design involves thinking about structure. Kanamachi Station is a challenge . Starting this year, the design will be by Niizeki and the structure will be by Kamachi. fun.
授業の合間に、千葉さん新刊。フォルマリズム批評をここまで肯定的に書くか?とも思うけど、なかなかアイデア頂きました。It might be also interesting if you write such a positive opinions of formalism which is in the new publication by Masaya Chiba I read in between classes? I got a lot of ideas.
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