Mr. Nakagawaan OFDA partner, entered the second division of Bunka Fashion College. He started a wonderful challenge of learning fashion. From 18:00 to 21:00, the timetable is similar to a course for working adults at a Tokyo University of Science. I was asked when to do the work that he had done from 6pm to 9pm on our way to the client’s place, so I advised him to wake up an hour early and work 2 hours while his mind was clear. Everyone in the Tokyo University of Science Adult Course has also put in a lot of effort. Starting this year, two people from working adults’ courses have been assigned to my laboratory. Let’s have an intensive seminar.
新しいプロジェクト始まる。とても景色の良い場所。クライアントは私の設計したものをご覧になっているのはもとより、著書もいろいろ読まれているのには驚いた。A new project begins. A very scenic place. I was surprised that my clients not only saw my designs, but also read my books.

間違えて配偶者の作品の上を歩いてしまったら転写したI transcribed it after I accidentally walked on my spouse’s work.

マドリード工科大のマルタ准教授の招聘助成金採択決定通知が来た。良かった。彼女の書いたPhdはファッションと建築。イッセイは主要な研究対象。マドリードでもニューヨークでもブエノスアイレスでも世界中だいたい一流大学にファッション学科はあるしファッション美術館があるものだ。日本くらいだファッションがアカデミックな対象にならない国は。I received a notification that Associate Professor Marta from the Polytechnic University of Madrid has been selected for the invitation grant. it was good. Her phd theme is fashion and architecture. Issei is the main research subject. Almost every top university in the world, whether it’s Madrid, New York, or Buenos Aires, has a fashion department and a fashion museum. Japan is the only country where fashion is seen as something to play with

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