
May 2024


by 卓 坂牛

隣家が老朽化し壊され更地になった。誰が買うのかな?The house next door was dilapidated, demolished, and turned into a vacant lot. I wonder who will buy it?


by 卓 坂牛

去年の今頃は25度だったのに、今朝は5度。 寒い!This time last year it was 25 degrees, but this morning it was 5 degrees. cold!


by 卓 坂牛

昨日ハナと配偶者がFujimiに来たので、夕方の散歩は3人で出かける。ハナはリードが緩くないと歩かない。自由主義者なのだ。Hana and my spouse came to Fujimi yesterday, so the three of us went for an evening walk. Hana won’t walk unless the leash is loose. She’s a liberal.


by 卓 坂牛


1 Eureka Moment for Architect(建築家が腑に落ちた瞬間)

2 When Architecture Is Conceived(建築が生まれる時)

3 How Architect Arrives at Solution(建築家の解決策到達法)


by 卓 坂牛

2015年に主査をしたエンリックの博士論文を読み返している。改めて日本では通らないだろう人文的な分析を面白く読む。篠原一男は住宅の中心に常にemotion(情動)をおいた。住宅は本来家族の暖かみ(domesticity)を作るべき場所でsentiment(情緒)が置かれるべきところだがそうはしなかった。emotionが鮮明に現れている白の家、地の家、谷川さんの住宅、上原通りの家、ハウスインヨコハマの五つだけを分析した。白の家の聖域になぜ日常性を醸し出す厨房があるのか?地の家の寝室がなぜ地下にあるのかなどなど、みな情動の発生に関係している。I am rereading Enric’s doctoral thesis, which I judged in 2015. Once again, it’s interesting to see a humanistic analysis that probably wouldn’t work in Japan. Kazuo Shinohara always placed emotion at the center of his houses. Homes should be places where family warmth (domesticity) should be created and sentiment should be placed, but Shinohara did not do that. Eric analyzed only five houses in which emotion was clearly expressed: the white house, the earthly house, Mr. Tanigawa’s house, the house on Uehara Street, and the house in Yokohama. Why is there a kitchen that exudes everydayness in the sanctuary of the white house? Things like why the bedrooms in local houses are underground are all devices that create emotion.