
May 2024


by 卓 坂牛

来月発売予定の『建築スタディ 発想の方法: デザインを決めた50人の模型・ドローイング 』(学芸出版社¥2,640)の色校が届いた。一人の建築家に4ページ割り当て、最初の2ページは白黒(写真と文章)、後の2ページはカラーでスケッチや模型。色が出ないと心配していた64ページ分が届いた。皆よく出ているので一安心。写真は左)畝森泰行、 右上)西澤徹夫、右中)五十嵐淳、右下)伊東豊雄
I have received the colorproofing of “Eureka Moment for Architect” (Gakugei Publishing, ¥2,640), which is scheduled to be released next month. Four pages are allotted to each architect, the first two pages being black and white (photos and text), and the last two pages being color sketches and models. I received the 64 pages that we were worried about because the colors wouldn’t come out brightly. Everyone is out well so we don’t have to worry. Photos are left )Yasuyuki Unemori, top right) Tetsuo Nishizawa, middle right) Jun Igarashi, bottom right) Toyo Ito


by 卓 坂牛

スイスにいる宇野友明さんがルイネリの事務所に行きこんなポスターが貼ってあったよと写真をおくってくれた。信大時代にルイネリとドッシュという二人のスイス建築家を招き行った山岳建築シンポジウムのポスター。大事に事務所に貼ってあるとは感激。Mr. Tomoaki Uno, who is in Switzerland, went to Ruinelli’s office and sent me a photo saying he had seen a poster like this. A poster for a mountain architecture symposium that invited two Swiss architects, Ruinelli and Dosch, during my time at Shinshu University. I am so moved that he cherished it and posted it in his office.

by 卓 坂牛

きれいな鯵があった今晩はカリカリ焼いてニンニク、生姜、ネギ、お醤油かけて食べよう。Tonight, I had some beautiful horse mackerel, so I decided to grill it crispy and eat it with garlic, ginger, green onions, and soy sauce.


by 卓 坂牛

千駄ヶ谷に行こうと誘われてgood morning cafeで朝食。安いから混んでます。


by 卓 坂牛

“Tomorrow we will watch Hikaru Kimi he won’t we? Time flies l” my spouse says. The reason why young children seem to spend more time than older people is because they have new experiences every day. If the elderly are moved every day, time will become denser and feel longer. However, since the elderly lose this dense information from the side where they have stored it, time does not accumulate. It’s hard to believe that 5 years have passed since I moved to Kagurazaka.

by 卓 坂牛

昨日東京駅でウルトラスモール傘を買ってしまった☂️ I bought an ultra small umbrella at Tokyo Station yesterday.


by 卓 坂牛

昨日『みんなの都市』(オサム•オカムラ著、坂牛卓、辺見浩久訳、鹿島出版会)が校了した。これであとは本屋に並ぶのを待つだけである。本作りには原稿を書き上げる脱稿、編集者の校正が終わり印刷にまわす入稿、最初の校正を初校、2番めを二校、色をチェックする色校があり、最後の校正である念校を終えると校了である。昨日『建築スタディ 発想の方法: デザインを決めた50人の模型・ドローイング』(坂牛卓編著、学芸出版社)は念校が送られ東京駅ホームから返信した。そろそろ校了となる。Yesterday, I got OK for “City for everyone” (written by Osamu Okamura, translated by Taku Sakaushi and Hirohisa Hemmi, published by Kajima Publishing). Now all that’s left to do is wait for it to line up at the bookstore. The process of making a book involves drafting the manuscript, finishing the editor’s proofreading and submitting it for printing, the first proofreading, the second proofreading, the color proofing, and the final proofreading. When you finish final proofreading you got OK.
Yesterday, I received a final proofreading of “Architectural Study: How to Ideate: Models and Drawings of 50 People Who Decided on a Design” (edited by Taku Sakaushi, Gakugei Publishing), and I returned it from the Tokyo Station platform. The OK will be announced soon.