
May 2024


by 卓 坂牛

本日山田誠一さんの家に谷川さんの住宅の土間にある脚立があった。聞く前に篠原一男へのオマージュですと言われて面食らった。Today, at Seiichi Yamada’s house, there was a stepladder on the dirt floor of Tanigawa’s house. Before I could even listen, I was told that it was an homage to Kazuo Shinohara, and was taken aback.


by 卓 坂牛



by 卓 坂牛

静岡山田邸訪問。外装フレキ三六版銀塗装、屋根本瓦、構造90角檜、木建、土台レス、さまざまなディテール。地下水出しぱなし。篠原一男の第一の様式に強く影響を受けたと言う。ありがとうございました。Visited Shizuoka Yamada residence. Exterior flexible 36-plate silver painting, roof tiles, structure 90 square cypress, wood construction. various details. Ground water continues to come out. He says that he was strongly influenced by Kazuo Shinohara’s First Style. thank you very much.


by 卓 坂牛

建築は瞬間に感じ、少し幅のある時間で経験して、そしてもう少し長い時間の中で反芻するものだと思っている。しかしそう簡単に人は建築を感じる心の状態にならない。まして経験してる暇はない。違うことを考えているか眠っている。だから建築には建築を経験させる契機がないといけない。僕がいいと思う建築にはまずこれがある。こんなことを最初に言ったのはベンヤミンだろうか。これは建築に限らない。いい小説は書き出しがいい。音楽もそう。きっかけである。しかしきっかけ以降はもはや強い表現は要らない。きっかけは少し強い。しかしずっと強いと暑苦しい。そう言う建築もよくある。熱唱タイプの建築だ。これも苦手である。さて今日の建築が楽しみだ。I believe that architecture is something that is felt in an instant, experienced over a slightly wider period of time, and then ruminated on over a slightly longer period of time. However, it is not so easy for people to get into a state of mind where they can appreciate architecture. Besides, they don’t have time to experience it. Either you’re thinking about something else or you’re asleep. Therefore, architecture must provide opportunities for people to experience architecture. This is the premise of architecture that I think is good. Was Benjamin the first to say this? This is not limited to architecture. A good novel has a good beginning. The same goes for music. This is the trigger. However, after the trigger, strong expressions are no longer necessary. The trigger is a little strong. However, if it is strong all the time, it will be hot. There are many buildings that say that. It’s a singing type of architecture. I’m not good at this either. Well, I’m looking forward to today’s architecture.



by 卓 坂牛

今日は「建築の集中表現としての住宅」第三回、山田誠一さんの自邸に伺う。新建築のビデオを見る。外壁が3段下見張になっている。Today, for the third installment of “Housing as a Concentrated Expression of Architecture,” we visit Seiichi Yamada’s home. I am watching the Shinkenchiku video. The outer wall has three tiers of siding.


by 卓 坂牛

書斎の床にばたっと倒れて2階の天井を見上げる。改めてこの家には平行線が少なくて、大工さんありがとうと言う気持ちになる。I fell flat on the study floor and looked up at the second floor ceiling. Once again, there are few parallel lines in this house, and I feel like I am grateful to the carpenter.


by 卓 坂牛

配偶者は最近山で買ってきた草履を室内ばきにしているMy spouse is using the cloth sandals she recently bought in the mountains indoors.