
May 2024


by 卓 坂牛

高校生のみなさん。みんなが住んでいる町のことをみんなで考えませんか。チェコの建築家が世界を飛び回って14のトピックを教えてくれます。来月発売です。カラー満載で2500円。安い!Dear high school students. Why don’t we all think about the town where we all live? A Czech architect travels around the world and teaches on 14 topics. It will be released next month. Full of colors for 2500 yen. cheap!


by 卓 坂牛

食品添加物の本を読んでいる。おもわず金町駅でマックにいかず手打ち蕎麦屋に行った。コンビニに行っても買えるものがない。ところで60過ぎた人間にとって食品添加物はどんだけ悪いか誰か教えて。I’m reading a book on food additives. Instead of going to Mac’s at Kanamachi Station, I went to a handmade soba restaurant instead. Even if I go to a convenience store, there is nothing I can buy. By the way, can someone tell me how bad food additives are for people over 60?


by 卓 坂牛

高校生向けの住宅設計コンペをやります。課題は肝っ玉母さんのような家あるいは頑固親父のような家です。多くの参加をお待ちします。We are holding a housing design competition for high school students. The challenge is to live like a broad/minded mother or a stubborn father. We look forward to your participation.


by 卓 坂牛

配偶者の旧姓は大籐(だいとう)で元を辿れば藤原だとか。1300年とも言われる藤原家の長寿命の理由は戦争しないで天皇を懐柔したからだとものの本で読んだ。配偶者にはその才がある。My spouse’s maiden name was Daito, which can be traced back to Fujiwara. I read in a book that the reason for the Fujiwara family’s longevity, which is said to be 1,300 years, is because they placated the Emperor without going to war. My spouse has that talent.


by 卓 坂牛

最近の素敵なコンペを10個選んでその、要項、グラフィック、パブリックリレーション、そして最終ヒアリング案と比べた最優秀案の最優秀たる所以を分析した本を4人で作っている。私の役は最優秀たる所以分析と最終ヒアリングに残った案全てにコメントをつけること。審査員でもないのに全部で59個の案を読み込み的確なコメントをするのは、独自論考を書くより遥に手間である。間違わないように読み込んでどれもに客観的な価値を見出さななければならない。でもとりあえず終わった。ああああ疲れた。The four of us are creating a book in which we select 10 recent wonderful competitions and analyze their requirements, graphics, public relations, and why the best proposal was the best when compared to the final hearing proposals. My role is to analyze why the proposal was the best and to comment on all the proposals that remained at the final hearing. Reading a total of 59 proposals and making accurate comments even though I am not a judge is far more time-consuming than writing an original essay. I have to read it carefully and find objective value in everything so as not to make mistakes. But it’s over for now. Ahhh I’m tired.



by 卓 坂牛

I bought only additive-free foods at a Gyoumuyou supermarket.


by 卓 坂牛

The world of calligraphy is responsible for inheriting the style of the master. In addition it’s difficult because you have to add yourself. Even if architecture has a mentor, style is something to be overcome rather than something to be inherited. Therefore, architecture seems to reflect freedom and is envied by my spouse. But there is nothing less free than freedom. This is so difficult.