
Jun 2024


by 卓 坂牛

J I Aマガジン7月号編集後記を書いてもうすぐ校了表紙は畝森泰行さんの自邸アイデの2棟並列スケッチ。行って見てくるとこのスケッチの意味がしみじみわかる。I wrote the editorial postscript for the July issue of J I A Magazine, it is going to beOK soon. The cover is a sketch of Hiroyuki Unemori’s idea for two houses in parallel. When you go and look at it, you will understand the meaning of this sketch.


by 卓 坂牛

坂牛研究室論文博士の金沢くんの3本目の黄表紙論文「平面構成と開口部を通した篠原一男の住宅作品の特徴の変遷(その3)」が採用となりました。公聴会を6月中にいたします。篠原一男が数学を学んだ理科大で大村くんに次ぐ2つ目の篠原論としての博士論文が生まれそうです。指導教員としてはほっとしてます。The third yellow-covered paper written by Mr. Kanazawa in the Sakaushi Laboratory, titled “Changes in the Characteristics of Kazuo Shinohara’s Residential Works Through Planar Composition and Openings (Part 3)” was accepted. A public hearing will be held in June. It will likely be the second doctoral thesis based on Kazuo Shinohara after Omura’s at the Tokyo University of Science where Kazuo Shinohara studied mathematics. As a supervisor, I feel relieved.


by 卓 坂牛

北海道の岩澤さんからアスパラガスが届いた。ふといね。早速いただきました。美味しい!Asparagus arrived from Mr. Iwasawa in Hokkaido. Fatty. I ate it right away. delicious!


by 卓 坂牛

教皇対皇帝の権力闘争がヨーロッパの真ん中で850年近く続いていたんだから建築もこの闘争の現れなわけだ。アーヘン大聖堂では30人の戴冠式が600年に渡り行われた。行ってみたい。The power struggle between the Pope and the Emperor continued for nearly 850years in the middle of Europe, so architecture is also a manifestation of this struggle. Thirty coronations have been held in Aachen Cathedral for 600 years. I want to go.


by 卓 坂牛

新しい本に私をモデルにしたイラストを入れたのかと配偶者に聞かれた。もちろん違うが似てるかも。My spouse asked me if I included an illustration based on me in my new book. Of course it’s not that. But it might be similar.