
Jun 2024


by 卓 坂牛

医師の友に促され肺ctを撮った。毎年健診で撮っているレントゲンでは2センチ以下のガンは見つけにくいなんてまったく知らなかった。早く教えてよ。日建にもいたな、去年の健診できれいだった肺に癌が巣くって亡くなった先輩が。At the urging of a doctor friend, I had a lung CT scan done. I had no idea that cancers smaller than 2 centimeters are difficult to detect in the X-rays taken during annual checkups. Please tell me quickly. There was also a senior at Nikken who passed away due to cancer in his lungs, which had been cleared during a medical checkup last year.


by 卓 坂牛

大嫌いなMRIなんとか終わる。明日は胸のCT。1日でやってくれないのは何か理由があるのかな?I managed to finish the MRI I hate. Chest CT tomorrow. Is there a reason why they can’t do it in one day?

by 卓 坂牛

Around this time, my older brother found the Yuin that had been hidden among our mother’s belongings. It looks like they are 静見. There is a word called “静観”, but I don’t know the word “静見”. If you know what it means, please tell me.


by 卓 坂牛

篠原一男は1964年39歳の時に朝倉摂と小田急デパートで展覧会をした。その貴重なカタログをいただいた。そこには谷川俊太郎のメッセー、粟津潔のイラストが載っている。篠原は桑沢洋子に呼ばれ桑沢デザイン研究所で教えたときに当時桑沢洋子が招いた錚々る芸術家、写真家とそこで親しくなる。その1人が朝倉だったという話を朝倉の元で働いていた方達からお聞きできた。In 1964, at the age of 39, Kazuo Shinohara had an exhibition with Setsu Asakura at the Odakyu Department Store. I received this valuable catalog. There is a message from Shuntaro Tanikawa and an illustration by Kiyoshi Awazu. Shinohara was invited by Yoko Kuwasawa to teach at the Kuwasawa Design Institute, where he became friends with prominent artists and photographers whom Yoko Kuwasawa had invited at the time. I heard from people who worked for Asakura that one of them was Asakura.


by 卓 坂牛

篠原一男による1966年にできた住宅を友人のお誘いで見せていただいた。クライアントが当時の雑誌寄稿「我が家の自慢」に真っ白い大きな壁と書いている。左右対称なこの白い壁は同じ年にできた白の家の白い壁同様、篠原の正面性が現れたものである。I was invited by my friend to show me Kazuo Shinohara’s residence built in 1966. The client wrote in a magazine article at the time, “Our Home’s Pride,” that it was a large pure white wall. This symmetrical white wall, like the white walls of the House in white built in the same year is a manifestation of Shinohara’s Frontality.

アトリエ コ

by 卓 坂牛

塩崎さんに頂いたatelier co のポートフォリオがかっこいい。回廊が回る幼稚園、遠藤さんとの合作、子供達が走り回るの見たいね。The atelier co portfolio that Mr. Shiozaki gave me is cool. I would love to see children running around in a kindergarten with rotating corridors, a collaboration with Mr. Endo.