銀行は行って気持ち良くなることはまずなかった。しかし口座のある四谷支店は7月1日まで予約が一杯。仕方なく大手町に行った。驚いた。空間も家具も接客も全く違う。口座移そうかな。Going to the bank rarely made me feel better. However, the Yotsuya branch where I have an account is fully booked until July 1st. I had no choice but to go to Otemachi. I was surprised by the completely different space, furniture, and customer service. Should I transfer my account?
東工大の田町校舎にティボーの篠原一男レクチャーを聞きに来た。スチュワート先生に久しぶりにお会いした。大分変わったけど一人で歩いてこられたのだからいいじゃないか。I came to the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s Tamachi campus to listen to Thibor’s llecture about Kazuo Shinohara. I met Professor Stewart for the first time in a while. He’s changed a lot, but it’s okay because he was able to walk alone.
近代建築見直し作業、徹底したアナログ、カード、板書方式。未来投企型建築、継承持続型建築、同時代対応型建築という3つの流れを感じます。Modern architecture review work, thorough analog, card, and board writing methods. I feel that there are three
trends in architecture: future-planning architecture, inheritance-sustaining architecture, and contemporary-responding architecture.
10/4−10/9神楽坂あゆみギャラリーで小さな展覧会をする。そのために実測調査中。建築家高橋博のアトリエとして1953年に建てられ、2011年に登録有形文化財に指定された建物である。海外でしか展示したことのない模型4つなど最近作を含めて8作品。加えて著書と訳書を時系列に並べる。「建築と本と仲間たち」。乞うご期待。10/4-10/9 A small exhibition will be held at Ayumi Gallery in Kagurazaka. For this purpose, we are conducting a measurement survey. The building was built in 1953 as the atelier of architect Hiroshi Takahashi, and was designated as a registered tangible cultural property in 2011. There are 8 works including recent works such as 4 models that have only been exhibited overseas. In addition, books and translations are arranged in chronological order. “Architecture, Books, and Companies.” stay tuned.
拙編著『建築スタディ発想の方法』が未だ予約段階なのにアマゾン全体で売り上げ280位を記録。これは専門書としては前代未聞らしく、編集の井口さんが慌ててメールをくれた。僕が何かしましたかと聞くのだが何もしてません。何かが良かったんでしょうね。My edited book “Eureka moment for architect” is still in the pre-order stage, but it has reached number 280 in sales on Amazon overall. This seems to be unprecedented for a specialized book, so the editor, Ms.Inoguchi, sent me an email in a hurry. She asked me if I did anything, but I didn’t do anything. I guess something was good about it.
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