
Jun 2024


by 卓 坂牛

出かける3時間前に起きる。白湯飲んで、ボーっとして、今日やること考えて、日記書くと1時間経つ。赤城神社の緑を浴びてジムに行って1時間。ご飯食べて、シャワー浴びると1時間。なんか無駄な気もして短縮を試みたが、そうするとあくせくして和まない。Wake up 3 hours before going out. An hour passes when I drink hot water, relax, think about what I’m going to do today, and write in my diary. I went to the gym through the green of Akagi shrine for an hour. It takes an hour to eat and take a shower. I felt like it was pointless, so I tried to shorten the length, but doing so made me feel anxious and unable to calm down.

by 卓 坂牛

ギター弾きに地下に降りたら、あちこちから光が落ちて電気をつけなくてもいい感じ。When I went down to the basement to play guitar, there was light falling from everywhere, so I didn’t have to turn on the lights.


by 卓 坂牛

ギターの先生から毎週宿題をもらう。今週はJ-POP でも駅の発車サウンドでもなんでもいいからリズムフィギュアを捕まえてこいと言うもの。ノートにおたまじゃくし書くなんて、何十年ぶりで楽しい。My guitar teacher gives me homework every week. This week, he asked me to catch rhythm figures, whether it’s J-Pop or the sound of a train departing from a train station. Writing tadpoles in a notebook is fun for the first time in decades.


by 卓 坂牛

コロナ前は週末はだいたい美術館行って本屋で爆買いしてた。コロナで外に出られず家で本を書く習慣がついたら、週末は書く時間となった。アートは日曜美術館、本はアマゾンで我慢。配偶者はそれでいいのかと批判的。行きますあなたの展覧会は。Before the coronavirus, I would usually go to museums and buy a lot at bookstores on weekends. When I got into the habit of writing at home because I couldn’t go out due to the coronavirus, weekends became my time to write. For art, I watch at the Sunday Art Museum on TV and for books, I buy at Amazon. My spouse is critical and wonders if that’s okay. I’m going to your exhibition.


by 卓 坂牛


Nakagawa-kun discussed the basic plan of the new job with the Kanebako office, and when he told the budget, the structure engineer apparently said that it would be more expensive if sakaushi was involved. He said, “I’ll keep it simple.” I was stabbed in the nail.