
Jun 2024


by 卓 坂牛

近代建築の見直し作業、80年分の年表繋げたら3メートルになった。まだこの後30年分ある。こうやって全体を見てると少しだけ時代が見える。In the process of reviewing modern architecture, when I connected 80 years of chronology, it became 3 meters long. There are still 30 years left. When you look at the whole thing like this, you can see a little bit of the times.


by 卓 坂牛

朝5時半にテレビをつけたら新人アナのインタビュー研修をやっていた。相手が「うーん」と考えたら焦らず待てと教えていた。僕もすでに80人くらいの建築家にインタビューしているが相手が考えこむような質問をあまりしてこなかったなと少し反省した。これからは相手が「うーん」と悩む質問をしてみよう。When I turned on the TV at 5:30 in the morning, there was interview training for new announcers. If the other person thought, “Hmm,”teacher was teaching them not to panic and to wait. I’ve already interviewed around 80 architects, and I regret that I haven’t asked many questions that would make the other people think deeply. From now on, try asking questions that make the other person wonder, “Hmm.”


by 卓 坂牛

富士吉田の道の駅隣にジビエ加工場+販売所+お庭をOFDA坂牛+中川で設計いたしました。加工場がメインですが加工品を買って食べるお庭をオンサイトと、サイン計画はライゾマ(フロープラトー)と共同でデザインしました。自然の中で一休みする場所です。ドライブがてらおいでくださいませ。私も滞在する予定です。OFDA Sakaushi + Nakagawa designed a gibier processing factory + sales store+ garden next to Fujiyoshida Roadside Station. Although the main focus is the processing plant, there is also an on-site garden where processed products can be purchased and eaten, and the signage plan was designed in collaboration with Rhizoma (Flow Plateau). It’s a place to take a break in nature. Please come for a drive. I also plan to stay there.


by 卓 坂牛

権藤さんから東大でやったレクチャーシリーズをまとめた本を立て続けに2冊いただいた。オムニバス本は往々にして散漫になるけど読ませる話しもいろいろあった。勉強になりました。ありがとうございます。I received two books in quick succession from Mr. Gondo that summarized the lecture series he gave at the University of Tokyo. Omnibus books are often scattered, but there were various stories that made me read them. I learned a lot. thank you.


by 卓 坂牛

理科大建築フットサル大会。今年は坂牛研OBチームも参加。OBチームのグレーTシャツは平野作。Tokyo University of Science Architectural Futsal Tournament. This year, the Sakaushi lab. alumnus team has also attended. The OB team’s gray T-shirt is made by Hirano.


by 卓 坂牛

洗濯する度に片方しかない靴下が現れるのはどうしてか?Why do socks that only have one side appear every time I wash them?