
Jun 2024


by 卓 坂牛



by 卓 坂牛

建築の集中表現としての住宅第4回は青柳創、彩夏夫妻の自邸。二人は篠原研の先輩鵜沢さんの研究室出身。闇と光が交互に現れる家。今時のトレンドに流され無くていい家でした。The fourth house as a concentrated expression of architecture is the home of Hajime and Ayaka Aoyagi. The two are from the laboratory of Mr. Uzawa, a senior at the Shinohara lab. A house where darkness and light appear alternately. It was a nice house that wasn’t influenced by current trends.


by 卓 坂牛

スイスの建築家ティボーが拙宅で一番気に入っていたのは私のデスク周り。ここで仕事したいって言っていた。確かに少し前に改良してから仕事しやすい。Swiss architect Tibor’s favorite part of my house was the area around my desk. He said he would love to work here. It’s certainly convenient to work with since it was improved a while ago.



by 卓 坂牛

富士吉田市のまちづくり協力隊にいたF君にインタビューされた。経験を論文化するそうだ。なぜこれほど長く密に富士吉田に関わるのか聞かれた。たしかにもうすぐ10年経つ。関わりたい人がいたからだろう。結局人のつながりが基本だと思う。大義名分でも金でもない。Mr. F, who was a member of Fujiyoshida City’s town development cooperation team, interviewed me. It seems that he will write a paper about his experience. I was asked why I have been closely involved with Fujiyoshida for so long. It’s true that 10 years have passed soon. I think it was because there were people whom I wanted to be involved. In the end, I believe that the connection between people is fundamental. It’s not about a good cause or money.


by 卓 坂牛

ジムの帰り道アカアマコーヒーて配偶者と待ち合わせ。配偶者の隣りに座ったら、逆隣りが隈さん夫婦だった。本のお礼、隈さんは学部は内田研だったこと、新建築100周年号の編集のこと、槇さんのこと、などなど話しが尽きず、、On the way home from the gym, I met my spouse at Akaama Coffee. When I sat next to my spouse, the opposite neighbors were Mr.Kuma. and mrs. Shinohara. We couldn’t stop talking about thanking him for the book, that Mr. Kuma went to the Uchida lab, about editing the Shinkenchiku 100th anniversary issue, about Mr. Maki, etc.