
Aug 2024


by 卓 坂牛

さあ食べるものがなくなってきた、美味しいパンを買ってきた。いい香りNow, I don’t have anything to eat, so I bought some delicious bread. nice scent


by 卓 坂牛

ル•コルビジュエのファッションデザインスケッチ、1951。20世紀初頭の建築家は皆ファッション画を描いていた。でも彼は毎年コレクションを出すことを批判した。そのファッション界の戦略はサスティナブルな今でも、きっとなくならない。数少ない残された蕩尽の文化だから。Le Corbusier’s Fashion Design Sketches, 1951. All architects in the early 20th century were drawing fashion pictures. But he criticized the idea of ​​putting out a collection every year. This strategy in the fashion world is sure to persist even in this era of sustainability. Because it is one of the few remaining cultures of squander.

by 卓 坂牛

朝の散歩でよくお会いする近所の奥様が鈴をつけていた。熊ですか🐻と聞いたらそうだという。犬友が見たと言う。My neighbor’s wife, whom I often meet on my morning walks, was wearing a bell. I asked if it was for a bear🐻 and she said yes. Her dog ​​friend says he saw it.


by 卓 坂牛

15日締め切りだったJ I Aの原稿4千字。マドリード東京二つのワークショップについて。朝思い出して午前中必死になって書いた。書きながら二つズームやっているって尋常じゃやないな。でも終わってよかった。The manuscript for J I A, which was due on the 15th. It was about two workshops in Madrid and Tokyo. I remembered it in the morning and spent the rest of the morning frantically writing it. It’s unusual to be writing and doing two zooms at the same time. But I’m glad it’s done.


by 卓 坂牛

文は文の組み立てがあれば書けるのだが、どこまで組み立てるのかというと、章、節、項の項まで決めないと書けない。大体1章1.5万字。1章を3節くらいで書く。すると1節5千字。1節を3項で書くと1項1.5千字から2千字。A4縦書き(37字×35行)2枚くらいとなるのだが、一つのトピックでこのくらい書くのが僕には丁度いい。なるべくOREO(Opinion、Reason、Example、Opinion)という書き方をしようとするが、このアメリカ流はやや情緒に欠ける感もあってここぞという時はこれにして起承転結もおりまぜている。A sentence can be written if it has a sentence structure, but how far you have to go to build it, you have to decide on chapters, sections, and even paragraphs. A chapter is roughly 15,000 letters, and a chapter is written in about three sections. If I write a chapter with three sections, I can write 1,500 to 2,000 letters per section, which is about two A4 pages (37 characters x 35 lines) vertically. I try to write OREO (Opinion, Reason, Example, Opinion) style as much as possible, but I feel that this American style is a bit lacking in emotion, so I use this style when the occasion calls for it, and I also mix in an introduction, development, twist, conclusion Japese style.