
Aug 2024


by 卓 坂牛

新幹線は最高の書斎。『篠原一男のモダニズム』二回めの赤入れ。往復3時間で半分終わらせたい。The Shinkansen is the best study room. “Kazuo Shinohara’s Modernism” second edition in red. I want to finish half of it in 3 hours round trip.


by 卓 坂牛

「第11回JIA東海住宅建築賞2024」の1次審査で名古屋に向かう。去年に引き続きだが今年は1.5倍くらい応募者が増えているらしい。審査委員長なのでまとめに時間がかかるかな。Headed to Nagoya for the first round of the “11th JIA Tokai Residential Architecture Award 2024”. Continuing from last year, it seems that the number of applicants has increased by about 1.5 times this year. I’m the chairman of the judging committee, so it might take some time to put it all together.


by 卓 坂牛

配偶者の書の師、芸術院賞受賞を受賞した上条信山は1997年にお亡くなりになっているが、師の助手がありし日の師を描いた文章+作品集をつくり、頂いた。それを読むと毎年数百人の弟子と合宿をする。その日課を見るとなんと毎日10時間稽古とある。70歳の時である。My spouse’s calligraphy teacher, Kamijo Shinzan, who won the Art Academy Award, passed away in 1997, but his teacher’s assistant created a collection of writings and works depicting the teacher of yesteryear. As I reads it, he holds training camps with hundreds of disciples each year. Looking at his daily routine, it says that he practices for 10 hours every day. He was 70 years old.


by 卓 坂牛

展覧会のポスターコンペ開催、みな上手いものだと感心する。数日寝かせてまた見よう。Exhibition poster competition held, I am impressed with how good they all are. Let’s take time and look at it again.


by 卓 坂牛

Window as a ‘World'”, which will be released at the end of September, is co-authored with Yujin Hirase. Both of us are interested in windows. The title of my first book, “Architecture as a Frame,” refers almost entirely to windows. Hirase’s doctoral dissertation also focused on framing. We had been talking about publishing a book on frames (windows) for about five years, and last winter we decided to make it a reality, and together we came up with the idea and wrote the book. About half of the book is about architecture, and the conversation expands to include theater, film, painting, manga, cities, and finally, philosophical considerations. The reason we were able to write something that a professional architecture editor would not have been able to do is that the editor, Mr. Yao, is a philosopher whose graduation thesis at university was on Wittgenstein.
Recently, I read a book titled “The Essence of Language” published by Chuko Shinsho, which was well received. I felt that the wide range of content by the two authors, Mutsumi Imai and Yoshimi Akita, complemented each other. I have high expectations that this book, too, will reach people outside the field of architecture because of its breadth of content that cannot be written by a single author.
(Pre-orders on Amazon will be available in a little while.)


by 卓 坂牛

明日はないと思えに近い教訓に、今日は人生最後の日だったら何をするというのがある。でも僕はきっと昨日と同じく日記を書いて、ジム行って、キャベツを食べて、仕事して、飲む日なら呑んで、呑まない日なら呑まず、本を読んで寝るだろう。A lesson that seems like there’s no tomorrow is what you would do if today were the last day of your life. But I’m sure that like yesterday, I’ll write in my diary, go to the gym, eat cabbage, work, and if it’s a drinking day, I’ll drink, and if it’s a non-drinking day, I’ll not drink, read a book, and go to bed.


by 卓 坂牛


Olympic finals are often held at night. In order to stay awake that long, I have no choice but to work. My sports-loving spouse is also writing next to me. It’s almost midnight. We can’t help but say to each other, “We’ll do our best,” but if we do this every day, we’ll eventually collapse.