
Sep 2024


by 卓 坂牛

『〈世界〉としての窓』見本到着。平瀬さんと私はだいぶ前から窓について語りあっているうちに、本を作ることにした。窓は演劇、絵画、映画、そして建築、加えて都市にも現れる世界に繋がる孔なのだということを書いた。そんな窓の実存性に興味のある方は是非お読みいただきご批評いただければ嬉しいです。A sample of “Window as the World” has arrived. Mr. Hirase and I had been talking about windows for quite some time and decided to write a book. We wrote that windows are holes that connect to the world that appears in theater, paintings, movies, architecture, and even cities. If you are interested in the existence of such windows, please read this book and give us your critiques.


by 卓 坂牛

朝根岸に向かう。保坂さんの自邸に伺う、午後春日のもう一つの自邸に伺う。同じ人の二つの自邸を1日のうちに見て自分に湧き上がる疑問を聞くという企て。In the morning, I head to Negishi. I visited Mr. Hosaka’s house, and in the afternoon, I visited his other house in Kasuga. My plan is to see the two houses of the same person in one day and ask any questions that arise in my mind.



by 卓 坂牛

From Friday, October 4 to Wednesday, October 9, we will hold an exhibition of 9 models and 22 books at Ayumi Gallery, a one-minute walk from Kagurazaka Station on the Tozai Line. I will show the transition of my thinking and the transition of what I make in parallel. I will be there as much as possible. I look forward to seeing you there.
(The date on the previous poster was incorrect. We will correct it.)


by 卓 坂牛

グアテマラの国際会議に呼んでくれたアナ•マリは威厳のあるISTMO大学の女性学部長。次の日紹介してくれた学長も女性。会議のオープニングスピーカーは副大統領で女性。皆風格もあり頭もキレた。日本は女性進出を阻む土壌が至るところにある遅れた社会だ。Ana Maria, who invited me to the international conference in Guatemala, is the female dean of the architectural department at ISTMO University, who is bigger and has a bigger voice than me. The principal who was introduced to me the next day was also a woman. The opening speaker at the conference was the vice president, a woman. They were all dignified and sharp-witted. Japan is a backward society where there are many obstacles to women’s advancement.


by 卓 坂牛

東海住宅建築賞打ち上げはシーラカンス事務所にて。伊藤さんいろいろご苦労様。The Tokai Residential Architecture Award party is being held at the Coelacanth Office. Mr. Ito, thank you for all your hard work.

by 卓 坂牛

東海住宅建築賞現地審査2日目。松本さん畝森さんと審査終了。最優秀伊藤維さん多治見の家、優秀賞、町秋人さん稲荷の家改修、吉田夏雄さん雲谷町の家、おめでとうございます。Second day of on-site judging for the Tokai Residential Architecture Award. Examination with Mrs. Matsumoto and Mr. Unemori completed. Congratulations to Tamotsu Ito’s Tajimi house for most excellent award, Akito Machi’s Inari house renovation, and Natsuo Yoshida’s Kumoya-cho house for excellent award.


by 卓 坂牛

東海住宅建築賞の現地審査1日め4っつ見て終了。明日は3っつ。The first day of the on-site judging for the Tokai Residential Architecture Award ended after watching four reviews. There will be three tomorrow.